  • 學位論文


Effect of a Smoking Prevention Education Module on Knowledge, Attitudes, and Refusal Skills in 5th Grade of elementary Schoolchildren

指導教授 : 劉俊昌 何清松


本研究目的為瞭解國小五年級學童菸害知識、拒菸態度及拒菸技巧的狀況;瞭解國小五年級學童基本資料與學童菸害知識、拒菸態度及拒菸技巧的關係;評估菸害防制課程對國小五年級學童菸害知識、拒菸態度及拒菸技巧的影響;瞭解學童對課程活動的反應。採用不相等控制組設計,以十所臺中縣立國小為樣本。各國小以班級為單位,抽五年級兩班,一班分派為實驗組且接受菸害防制課程介入,另一班為對照組且未接受課程介入。實驗組十所國小合計共有 301人,對照組合計共有 306人。工具為本研究所發展的菸害知識、拒菸態度及拒菸技巧問卷。回收資料以敘述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數及多元迴歸等統計方法進行分析。 本研究所得結果如下: 一、 學童在菸害知識量表的前測平均得分為11.81±2.71分。學童在拒菸態度量表的前測平均得分為109.15±15.32分。學童在拒菸技巧量表的前測平均得分為27.33±4.58分。 二、 學童菸害知識因母親教育程度、個人吸菸經驗、母親吸菸經驗及居住地區都市化層級不同而有差異。學童拒菸態度因父親教育程度、個人吸菸經驗、母親吸菸經驗及居住地區都市化層級不同而有差異。學童拒菸技巧因性別、父親教育程度、母親教育程度、個人吸菸經驗、母親吸菸經驗及居住地區都市化層級不同而有差異。 三、 課程可以提升學童菸害知識、拒菸態度及拒菸技巧。 四、 八成七學童喜歡本課程,且超過八成願意再次參加類似活動。七成二學童自覺能夠學習到菸害知識、拒菸態度及拒菸技巧。五個單元中有四個單元超過七成學童喜愛。 研究者實施本菸害防制課程可以提升學童菸害知識、拒菸態度及拒菸技巧。建議學校可於彈性課程時規劃實施本研究發展之菸害防制課程。


The purpose of this study was to develop a smoking prevention education module for 5th grade of elementary school children and to evaluate the effect of the module on students’ knowledge, attitude, and refusal skills. A non-equivalent pretest-posttest control group design was used. There were ten elementary schools and two classes in each school selected from Taichung Country. A class is the experimental group received smoking prevention education module during the intervention period(five weeks) and the other is the control group received no treatment during the same period. There were twenty classes were selected as the sample assigned the experimental (n=301) and control group (n=306). The data was collected by paper-and-pencil questionnaire which was made by researcher. The collected data was analyses by descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and multiple regressions. The results of this study are as follows: 1. Students’ pretest scores of knowledge scale towards preventive tobacco were 11.81±2.71, attitude scale towards preventive tobacco were 109.15±15.32 and refusal skills scale towards preventive tobacco were 27.33±4.58. 2. Students’ pretest scores of knowledge scale towards preventive tobacco were found significant difference from mothers’ education degree, students’ smoking experience, mothers’ smoking experience, and topographic area of students. Students’ pretest scores of attitude scale towards preventive tobacco were found difference from fathers’ education degree, students’ smoking experience, mothers smoking experience, and topographic area of students. Students’ pretest scores of refusal skills scale towards preventive tobacco were found difference from gender, fathers’ education degree, mothers’ education degree, students’ smoking experience, mothers’ smoking experience, and topographic area of students. 3. The smoking prevention education module can produce a positive increase in students’ preventive tobacco knowledge, attitude and refusal skills. 4. There were 87% of students like the smoking prevention education, 85% of students want to join the smoking prevention education again, and 72% of students felt that they had learnt preventive tobacco knowledge, attitude, and refusal skills. Based on the main results of this research, the researcher suggested that teachers could use this experimental instruction as the guideline in flexible curriculum to enhance the students’ preventive tobacco knowledge, attitude, and refusal skills.




