  • 學位論文


The Comparative Study of Models on the Dementia Care in Long-term Care Facilities

指導教授 : 張明正


本研究嘗試以長期照護機構之失智專區照護及混合照護兩種模式之機構為研究對象,研究比較機構之環境設施、醫療照顧及活動設計三個層面,並以機構中失智老人之生活適應及生活滿意度做為評估結果之比較。 本研究以文獻回顧法、參與觀察法、訪談法及結構式訪談調查法等相關研究方法之運用,提出相關研究成果。本研究選定的研究對象為「行政院衛生署台中醫院施置專業照護理之家」及「台中市立仁愛之家」。 本研究企圖達到下列三項目的: 一、瞭解失智照護機構在環境設施、醫療照護及活動設計之規劃現況。 二、瞭解失智照護機構老人的基本屬性、認知狀況、健康狀況、生活適應及生活滿意度。 三、探討失智照護機構老人之生活適應及生活滿意度是否因機構照護模式(混合或專區)不同而有差異。 研究發現: 不同失智照護模式中屬性相同與屬性不同之失智老人,在生活適應方面,皆表示完全適應或大部分適應。而在生活滿意度方面,則以表示普通滿意為主。 在環境設施方面,混合區失智老人在生活適應方面得分最高的項目為「活動空間」。 在醫療照護方面,專區照護機構在生活適應方面,得分最高的項目為「就醫的安排」。 在活動設計方面,兩區皆有針對失智老人做活動設計,專區因活動空間受限,所設計的活動以室內靜態的活動為主。而混合區則有安排戶外活動,因活動空間大,且與安養老人互動大,可增進社交功能,延緩退化。


This research is trying to use mixed care districts and districts specializing in dementia cares at long-term care facilities as our research targets, to study and compare three levels of the facilities referring to environment facilities, medical care, and activity design. Furthermore, we apply the dementia elders’ life adaptation and life satisfaction in the institution as the comparison of our evaluation results. This research adopt the methods of literature reviews, observations, questionnaires, and structural questionnaires , and we will propose the related results. The objects of our research are “Professional Dementia Nursing Home attached to Taichung Hospital ” and “Taichung Municipal Ren-ai Senior Citizens’ Home.” The objectives of our research are to reach the three following goals: 1. To realize the situation of the comparative care models in the dementia care institutes among environmental devices, medical care and activity design. 2. To realize dementia elders’ demographic data, cognitive status, health status, life adaptation and life satisfaction. 3. To explore whether the dementia elders’ life adaptation and life satisfaction in long-term care institutes are different under the two comparative models (mixed or specialized). Research findings: It shows that whether the dementia elders with the same demographic data or not in different dementia care models are all adapt to or almost adapt to the life in the facilities. In addition, the dementia elders reveal average satisfactory in life satisfactory. In environmental devices, the dementia elders living in the mixed care districts get the highest scores of life adaptation in “activity space.” In medical treatment, the dementia elder living in the specialized care districts get the highest scores of life adaptation in “arranged medical treatment.” In activity design, the two districts both have activities designed for dementia elders. Because of the limited space in specialized districts, their activity is mainly inner static activities. However, the mixed districts have their own outdoor activities. Because of their spacious space and frequent interaction with the elders, they could improve the dementia elders’ social functions and postpone their degeneration.


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