  • 學位論文


Relations of Leisure Life Style and Well-being of Junior High School Students-An Example of Junior High School Students in Central Taiwan.

指導教授 : 鄭健雄


隨著時代進步,物質生活不斷的提升,可是人們的幸福感並未隨著增加,其實真正的幸福,是遠遠超越於金錢之上,是一種對生活的整體滿意感。根據「2004 國中生家庭痛苦指數全國大調查」發現,有國中生的家庭,感受的「課業」和「財力」雙重壓力形成的痛苦指數普遍偏高。幸福感是人類主動且專注參與活動時的產物,個人可以藉由工作、休閒、運動或人際互動的歷程,發揮潛能並滿足個人需求,進而產生愉悅的成就感和價值感。此外,所選擇的活動必須和個體自身的能力志趣相符合,才能帶來幸福感。因此,本研究目的有三點,瞭解國中學生的休閒生活型態;和探討國中生之不同人口統計變項與休閒生活型態間之關係;及國中生之不同休閒生活型態與幸福感間之關係。 本研究以中部地區國中生為研究範圍,採用非隨機抽樣中的立意抽樣法,依據市、鄉、鎮共選取了六間國中之國中生為研究對象。共發出703 份,有效問卷577 份,有效回收率為82%。 研究結果有下列幾點: 1. 國中學生的休閒生活型態可以分為喜好運動者、健康追求者、外出旅遊者、網路愛好者、家庭本位者、社交聯誼者共五種類型。 2. 不同性別、學校別、年級、居住環境、家庭結構、父親教育、母親教育、個人每月平均零用金及家庭每月平均零用金的國中生,其休閒生活型態有顯著差異。 3. 不同性別、學校別、年級、居住環境、家庭結構、父親職業、父親教育、母親職業、母親教育、個人每月平均零用金、家庭平均每月所得不同的國中生,其幸福感有顯著差異。 4. 不同休閒生活型態之國中生,與幸福感的自我接受程度、個人成長、自治程度上、環境掌握程度上、確定的人際關係上、感官意義和生命的目的有正相關。


Generation changes bring about advancement in material life. However, the sense of well-being is unattainable through money and other material goods because human well-being is an overall feeling of satisfaction. According to “2004 National Investigation of Junior High School Student Family Misery Index”, the family of junior high school students scored relatively high on the misery index of the dual pressures of “schoolwork” and “finance”. Human’s sense of well-being is the product of dedicated human participations and activities. Through work, leisure, exercise and interpersonal interaction, Individuals are able to develop their hidden potentials and satisfy their needs, which further generate senses of joyful accomplishment and personal worth. In addition, the individual’s chosen activity must match the individual’s ability and interest in order to produce the sense of well-being. Therefore, this research has three objectives: understanding junior high school students’ leisure lifestyles; investigating correlations between junior high school student population statistic factors and leisure lifestyles; and finding the relationship between junior high school students’ leisure lifestyles and sense of well-being. This research’s scope consisted of the junior high school students in the central region. Employing selective sampling method, the research selected participating students from six junior high schools based on their city, county, and town. Among the mailed 703 questionnaires, 577 were effective, and the effective return ratio was 82%. Research results are as follow: 1. Junior high school student's leisure lifestyles can be categorized into five types of sportspersons, health pursuers, tourists, internet enthusiasts, family devotees and socialites. 2. Junior high school students’ leisure lifestyles obviously differ by gender, school, grade level, living environment, family structure, parental education, student’s average monthly allowances and their family’s average monthly allowance. 3. Junior high school students’ sense of well-being obviously differs by gender, school, grade level, living environment, family structure, parental education, student’s average monthly allowances and their family’s average monthly allowance. 4. Junior high school students’ leisure lifestyles positively correlate with their degrees of self-acceptation, individual growth, autonomy, environment control, stable interpersonal relationship, meaning of sense and life goal.




