  • 學位論文


A study on the Fire Station Image Cognized by Public in Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃萬傳


一個全面行銷的時代,不論是私部門的企業領域或公部門的政府作為都需要藉由行銷功能彰顯成就,消防機關亦不例外。消防工作不分晝夜,維持火災預防、災害搶救及緊急救護之為民服務工作,亟需配合時代腳步,探究民眾對消防形象的認知,研擬行銷架構,並據以行銷消防形象,創造民眾滿意。 本研究採量化研究方法,首先進行形象與行銷之概念界定,賦予消防形象重新定義,復依據學理建構消防形象八項構面:「政策形象」、「信任形象」、「貢獻形象」、「聲譽形象」、「執法形象」、「服務形象」、「風紀形象」及「品牌形象」;最後依消防三大任務,火災預防、災害搶救及緊急救護,設計「消防形象量表」調查問卷,期能精準掌握消防形象之市場調查。 消防形象量表之信度分析過程,隨機依各縣人口數選取全國1000位民眾進行調查,分為曾經接觸過及未接觸過消防之樣本,實際進行正式調查成功的樣本數為968份,進行正式之信度分析,Cronbach α係數值為0.739以上,顯見消防形象量表已具信度。效度分析方面係運用因素分析法,消防形象的每一構面之特徵值為1以上,因素負荷量為0.615以上,顯示該量表確具效度。調查結果的分析方面,本研究擬訂「民眾背景資料」、「認知來源與角色定位」及「接觸經驗與管道」為自變項,以「消防形象構面」為因變項,進行單變項之次數分析與描述性統計量分析。根據研究結果可發現,民眾會因前揭部分自變項不同而影響對消防形象之認知。本文最後參酌消防形象量表之實證調查結果,研擬行銷策略,俾供消防當局參考。


In this all-in-one marketing era, marketing strategies either are vital to private-owned enterprises or publicly managed corporations to manifest their achievements. So does fire station. With firefighters working days and nights trying to enforce their fire prevention, disaster rescue, and emergency medical service, they need to catch up and meet their target population needs, on which they may build their marketing structure to modify fighter image accordingly. This research focuses on the strategies of image marketing for the fire station through the quantitative method. The study defines eight categories, i.e., policy, confidence, contribution, trustworthiness, law-enforcing, service, moral standards, and brand image. Such originality has never been presented before in the fire administration academic field. The author also reviewed a lot of references to construct a Fire Image Attitude Scale (FIAS). 968 citizen random samples are randomly collected in Taiwan. Finally, Cronbach αCoefficient of 0.739 reveals that the FIAS has reached reliability level to analyze the fire image. With regard to the validity of the FIAS, the study employs Factor Analysis which shows an eigenvalue larger than 1.0, and a factor loading larger than 0.615 for each dimension of fire image. This research tries to examine, to analyze the affecting factors(such t-test, factor analysis method), then to find out the significant factors. The results of the study can find out some variables affecting the firefighter image. The completion of this study not only contributes the creation of the empirical study of FIAS, but also helps fire agency to promote fire image.


