  • 學位論文


Design of a secure management system of medical adverse events

指導教授 : 朱學亭


病人安全通報已經是本國醫院行之有年的制度。然而,因為各醫院缺乏高安全性的醫療事件管理平台,使得負責病人安全通報系統(Taiwan Patient Safety Reporting System, TPR)的財團法人醫院評鑑暨醫療品質策進會(Taiwan Joint Commission on Hospital Accreditation, TJCHA)常常在收到的醫療不良事件報告中發現仍含有醫院不該外洩的機密資料。因此,各醫院都迫切需要建立一個高安全性的醫療事件管理平台來管理各醫院的醫療不良事件資料,期能在對外通報時,保護醫護人員及病人的資料安全。 本論文研究醫療事件管理平台的安全議題。為解決相關的安全議題,我們提出二個主要的管理平台設計:其一是基於角色存取控制模型(Role-Based Access Control, RBAC),其二是去識別化(De-identification)的設計。 在調查不良事件時,醫院會使用根本原因分析法(Root Cause Analysis, RCA),這是品質管理中心在調查嚴重不良事件時所使用的。這份分析報告是高機密性的資料,該報告中所提到之人、事、時間、地點等詳細資訊不可隨意被外界所獲知,院內的無關人士也不可任意取得這些可辨資訊,因此我們實作一個可以進行醫療事件分析的管理平台,設計了自動敏感關鍵字遮蔽及資料不落地、防複製拷貝等功能,將醫療事件的調查和分析都控管在一個安全性的作業環境,並且自動化匯出病人安全通報的資料。如此的防護設計更能有效地阻止重要資料被無心的操作導致洩漏出去。


In the past years, the public pays more and more attention to patient safety issues. In Taiwan, the Taiwan patient safety reporting system (TPR) developed by Taiwan Joint Commission on Hospital Accreditation (TJCHA) had begun to collect medical advert events from hospitals for years. However, the absence of a secure management system of medical adverse events in hospital has caused the threat to the safety of privacy of staffs and patients. Therefore, we design an information system for a hospital to manage the medical event security. In this thesis, we study on the security issues of medical events management and we propose two designs to meet the security requirement of a such system: role-based access control (RBAC) and de-identification. In the investigation of medical events, the hospitals will place importance on Root Cause Analysis (RCA) tasks. Quality management team in hospital performs root cause analysis when a serious adverse event is happened, this adverse event may let a patient die or unrecoverable harm, and related person may be accused. These RCA reports are the highest class confidentiality, all the original detail information about related person, issue, and position cannot be known by other people. To restrict RCA information accessing, we need to consider higher security conception. It is not enough that just setting the admission for users or encrypting information in database, We propose an idea of information security that the RCA platform will replace all key words automatically. The data cannot be copied manually, and cannot be saved as a portable data file. These functions ensure the security of RCA information database .


[1] Medscape, Inc. 2000, “The Institute of Medicine Report on Medical Errors”, MedGenMed, Sep. 2000


