  • 學位論文


The development and implementation of remote control door-lock-system using HTTPS secure machanism

指導教授 : 柯賢儒


本論文提出一套以HTTPS安全網頁伺服器連線來遠端操控居家門鎖的控制系統。使用者可以簡單的透過個人電腦、手機及個人數位助理 (PDA),隨時隨地透過網路來查詢、管制以及控制門鎖;並藉由網路安全的技術,不用實際使用實體鑰匙,即可達到開啟門鎖的動作。結合居家e照護的趨勢,可避免發生緊急狀況時無法及時的打開門鎖而錯失了搶救的黃金時期,造成遺憾。 此系統是運用HTTPS安全網頁驗證來控管門鎖的機制,可使用之平台也更為廣泛;除了PC端透過有線網路連線之外,支援WLAN的裝置也可透過WiFi無線網路連線,而支援3G系統的手機現在更可以輕易的藉由3G系統甚至WiMAX網路連線。簡單的說,只要是支援瀏覽器上網之數位產品,都可以是媒介。 使用者安裝經過設計過後的門鎖,將可完成下列項目: (1) 透過網頁驗證登入,經伺服器驗證後,執行程式控制門鎖。 (2) 利用安全網路連線HTTPS,能保障網路傳送封包之安全性。 (3) 伺服器中每位成員皆可擁有一組獨立帳號密碼,若有異常使用,系統可以設定停權規則。 (4) 所有使用紀錄都將會儲存到資料庫,可透過瀏覽器登入查詢紀錄。 未來亦可與保全或是警察單位結合,可有效掌握異常的開門紀錄,不只讓e照護更為完備,也將讓社區及住戶的人身安全更有保障。 關鍵詞:家庭自動化、HTTPS、個人電腦、智慧手機、個人數位助理、3G、WiFi、WiMAX、網頁表單驗證、MySQL、PHP、e照護。


In this paper, we propose and implement a remote control system for door lock based on https mechanism. Such a system can be queried, managed, and controlled by using any device with web browsers, such as personal computers, PDAs, or even smart phones. Via the technology of internet security, this system can be a key-free one for opening the doors. Connecting with the concepts of e-healthcare, this system may avoid losing the chances to save the people’s lives under emergencies. The proposed system utilizes the https mechanism to protect the legality of the authorizations. Hence, many platforms are usable to do so. Except the well-known PCs, any device which supports internet access may be properly used for controlling the door lock, such as devices with WiFi,WiMAX, or the 3G cell phones. Once the users install the proposed system, following goals can be achieved: 1) The authorizations may be identified by a remote server via internet accesses. 2) The https mechanism may ensure the security during transferring the packets. 3) Every user in the server may construct an ID and a password. If any abnormal behaviors are detected, the usage right can be changed along the designed rules. 4) The log files are preserved in the database. One can query the records via web browsers. In the future, we hope that the system may cooperate with the police stations or security companies to enhance the functions to provide. Keyword: HTTPS、PC、Smart phone、PDA、3G、WiFi、WiMAX、MySQL、PHP、e-Healthcare.


HTTPS PC Smart phone PDA 3G WiFi WiMAX MySQL PHP e-Healthcare


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