  • 學位論文


The Mediating Effects of Customer Delighted between Satisfaction and Loyalty- A Case Study of International Tourist Hotel in Central Region of Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳永信


隨著時代的進步,企業從原本的生產導向轉為顧客導向,行銷觀念也從吸引顧客至留住顧客、增加顧客忠誠度為主,而這中間滿意度扮演一個重要角色,到今日,關於滿意度研究不勝枚舉,大都認為對忠誠度有正向影響關係,但最近的研究卻指出滿意度並非忠誠,而有學者提出讓顧客喜悅才會增加顧客忠誠,實務方面當然早有此方針,但國內鮮少學者深入探討,現今另一派學者認為企業停止一昧想著如何使顧客喜悅,本研究認為這中間爭議問題值得探討,故以國內中部地區國際觀光旅館為調查對象,清楚設施產品品質、人員服務品質、滿意度、喜悅及忠誠度之構念定義與衡量方式以建構結構方程模型,再使用AMOS19.0軟體進行檢定,確認模型共變異矩陣與樣本共變異矩陣之間無差之假說成立,才進行分析和判讀。   本研究回收樣本共353份,結果顯示模型與樣本之假說成立以利後續分析。分析結果發現,設施(產品)品質及人員服務品質對應滿意度有影響、滿意度對應忠誠度有影響、滿意度對應喜悅有影響、喜悅對應忠誠度有影響;而喜悅對於滿意度與忠誠度之間具有中介效果,表示顧客滿意度到忠誠效果之間,若能讓顧客產生喜悅表現,會提高顧客忠誠度;本研究還臆測住宿動機探討滿意度對於忠誠度之間是否有干擾現象,結果指出並無干擾效應,表示住宿的消費者不會因為動機的不同,而影響兩者之間的關係。


In the past decades, companies has transformed from production-oriented to customer-oriented. Marketing concept focuses on attracting customers so as to retain customers, and customer satisfaction plays an important role in the process. In most researches on satisfaction, scholars believe that satisfaction will have positive effect on loyalty. However, recent studies points out that satisfaction is not the faith, thus, some scholars propose that customers delight can enhance customer loyalty. However, other scholars urge that companies stop thinking about how to deliver customer delight. Thus, the relationship between delight and loyalty is deserved to be further investigated. Constructs of facilities (product) quality, staff service quality, satisfaction, delight, and loyalty are used to form the conceptual framework after confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). A structural equation model (SEM) software is employed to test the hypotheses deduced from literature review.   The 353 samples have been collected from customers of international tourist hotels in central region of Taiwan. The result is that both facilities (products) quality and staff satisfaction have impact on satisfaction, and satisfaction in turn, impacts on loyalty and delight. Delight exerts somewhat mediating effect between the relationship between satisfaction and loyalty. However, lodging motivation doesn’t moderate any relationship between links of construct. This implies that if companies can create delight for customers, their loyalty will be reinforced.


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