  • 學位論文


An Interdisciplinary Study of the Four Immeasurables in the Theravāda and Sarvāstivāda textual traditions: Illustrated with the Self-Other Four Immeasurables (SOFI) Scale

指導教授 : 釋惠敏


本文詳加考察南北傳佛教論典中四無量心的概念,以回應社會科學領域(以下簡稱社科)在應用四無量心概念時不足的基礎理解,進而提供社科在將四無量心概念轉譯應用於所需場域時的理論依據或概念素材,期能有助於促進佛教學與社科之跨領域研究,並期能有助於佛教四無量心的概念在現代社會中被理解、實踐與應用。 本研究採用一個宣稱參考佛教四無量心概念發展而出的自他四無量心量表(Self-Other Four Immeasurables Scale,SOFI)做為探索性案例,評析發現其於佛教文獻引用與理解之不足。故以佛教文獻學方法,詳加考察並歸納佛教四無量心於南傳上座部「藏外」論典的《解脫道論》、《清淨道論》、《阿毗達摩概要》和北傳有部「阿毘達磨」論典中之解說,以回應社科對佛教四無量心概念不足的基礎理解乃至未來應用的需求。 研究結果包括:一、歸納南北傳佛教論典有關四無量心的解說,一致包括自性(本有的性質)、對治(對反的性質)、相(表現的特徵)、行相(心念的內容)和修習次第等內容,又在細節處互有補充。惟南傳論典論及四無量心之遠敵和近敵,遠敵部分和北傳論典於四無量心的對治之解說內涵相符;近敵部分則為南傳論典於四無量心論述之特色,在北傳論典中並無可直接對照之解說內容。二、四無量心之修習是以自身所經驗過之安穩清淨的樂受經驗——特別是來自戒與定的修持——做為堅實基礎,再漸次擴大修習至自他無分別的平等。三、根據南傳上座部的心、心所法,推論與四種無量心個別相關的欲界善心和善心所,以及與四種無量心的遠敵和近敵個別相關的欲界不善心和不善心所可能為何。 對於在現代社會理解、實踐與應用四無量心,本研究帶來四方面助益:一、提供對四無量心概念之架構清晰且內涵豐富的解說。二、指出四無量心之修習並非僅將關注重心放在他者,而是由自而他,次第達成自他無分別的平等。三、四無量心的近敵解說具重要提醒意義,以圓滿成就四無量心之修習。四、提出四種無量心本身,及其遠敵和近敵個別相關的心與心所,有助於四無量心之日常實踐。 本文並就四無量心概念之考察結果,與數個社科慈悲相關主題量表之構念,相互對照與討論,以展示在不同的實用目的下,就已揭示之四無量心概念意涵,社科可取用所需部分發展相關應用。最後,探討佛教四無量心的跨領域研究,在佛教學和社科雙方面,相互帶來的啟發與可能的限制。


This article investigates the concept of the four immeasurables in the Theravāda and Sarvāstivāda textual traditions to provide the theoretical basis or the source of ideas of the concept for social science researchers to apply these concepts in their fields of study, as well as to respond to social science researchers who apply the concepts improperly. This is in order to improve Buddhist Studies and Social Sciences interdisciplinary research, and the understanding, practice and application of the four immeasurables in the modern society. This study uses the Self-Other Four Immeasurables (SOFI) Scale which is advertised to be based on the Buddhist concept of the four immeasurables, but finds SOFI lacks a proper textual basis and understanding. Therefore, I explore the different explanations of the four immeasurables found in the Theravāda and Sarvāstivāda textual traditions using a historical literature review method, including the Visuddhimagga, Vimuttimagga and Abhidhammatthasangaha and Sarvāstivāda Abhidharma texts to respond to the social science researchers who don’t understand the concept well and provide the precise concept for its future applications. The results are as follows: (1) The explanations of the four immeasurables in the Theravāda and Sarvāstivāda textual traditions include notions such as Zì xìng自性 (intrinsic nature), Duì zhì對治 (opposite nature), Xiàng相 (characteristic), Xíng xiàng行相 (mental activity) and the different stages of practice. The explanations from both traditions appear highly similar and even complimentary in some circumstances. However, the Theravāda literature expounds the “far enemies” and the “near enemies” of the four immeasurables. The explanation of the far enemies may correspond with the explanation of Duì zhì對治 in the Sarvāstivāda literature, but the explanation of the near enemies is a distinguishing feature of the Theravāda literature which cannot be found in Sarvāstivāda texts. (2) The practice of the four immeasurables is based on the robust, happy experience of individual peace and quiet, which especially comes from the cultivation of Jiè 戒 (morality) and Dìng 定 (concentration) , extending to self-other equanimity. (3) According to the Theravāda teachings of cittas (mind) and cetasikas (mental factors), I consider what the possible wholesome and unwholesome cittas and cetasikas belonging to the sense-sphere might be when put in relation with each individual immeasurable, as well as the far and near enemies. This study is useful in four aspects which lead to the understanding, practice and application of the four immeasurables in the modern society: (1) This study identifies the concept of the four immeasurables with a clear conceptual structure and rich exegesis. (2) The practice of the four immeasurables does not only focus on others but starts from the self and expands to others to achieve self-other equanimity. (3) The discourse of the near enemies of the four immeasurables is very important to fulfill the cultivation of the four immeasurables. (4) I suggest the cittas and cetasikas of each individual immeasurable, as well as the far and near enemies, which are helpful for putting the four immeasurables in practice in our daily life. This study also compares the conceptual constructs of several loving-kindness or compassion scales with the results of the analysis of the four immeasurables to demonstrate that, for different practical purposes, social science researchers can use different perspectives and relevant notions related to the four immeasurables to develop practical applications. Finally, I discuss the possibilities of cross-fertilization of Buddhist Studies and Social Sciences and the possible limitations of their interdisciplinary study.


