  • 期刊


Effects of Different Strength Training Protocols on Muscular Performance and Circumference Measurements in Males


本研究目的旨在比較不同負荷肌力訓練對肌力素質與肢圍之效果。以政戰學校一年級男生30名,隨機取樣方式均分三組(1.高負荷低反覆組:90%最大肌力4反覆;2.中負荷中反覆組:70%最大肌力12反覆;3.低負荷高反覆組:50%最大肌力20反覆)為受試對象。在訓練前實施肌力(仰臥推舉)、爆發力(推擲3公斤藥球)、肌耐力(最大肌力70%重量)和上臂圍等前測;各以不同負荷實施前四週肌力訓練後,再實施中測,並將所測得之最大肌力,作為調整不同負荷肌力訓練之依據,再實施後四週肌力訓練,最後實施訓練後的測驗。將所得資料,經SPSS 10.0中文版套裝統計軟體,統計方法採混合設計二因子變異數分析法,獲得以下的結果:一、在肌力素質方面:三組受試者經過八週的訓練,在肌力、爆發力與肌耐力等三方面都有明顯的進步,但三組在訓練前、中及訓練後的肌力、肌耐力及爆發力則沒有不同。二、在肢圍方面:各組內的訓練效果比較上,高負荷低反覆組的上臂圍無增粗的情形,中負荷中反覆組與低負荷高反覆組的上臂圍在訓練後則有顯著增粗的情形。比較三組間在訓練後的差異情形,則是中負荷中反覆組較高負荷低反覆組有顯著增粗的情形。本研究的結論為:高負荷低反覆、中負荷中反覆與低負荷高反覆三種不同負荷之肌力訓練,均能顯著的提升肌力、爆發力與肌耐力;而中負荷中反覆的肌力訓練能有效的增長肌肉。


負荷量 肌力訓練 肌力素質 肢圍


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of different strength training protocols on muscular strength, power, endurance and upper arm and thigh circumferences in males. Thirty male freshmen, studying at a college in Taiwan were randomly assigned into three groups: 1. high- load and low-repetition (HLG), 4 repetitions of 90% 1MR; 2. mid-load and mid-repetition (MMG), 12 repetitions of 70% IRM; 3. low-load and high-repetition (LHG), 20 repetitions of 50% 1 RM. Muscular strength (evaluated by bench press and leg press), power (arm:3kg medicine ball throwing; leg:vertical jump), muscular endurance (maximal repetition with 70 % of I RM) and circumference measurements were tested at pre-training, four weeks after training, and immediately after the end of the eight week training. The training exercises included use of the bench press. Data of pre-test, mid- test and post-test were analyzed by ANOVA with repeated measures. The results were as follows: 1.Muscular strength, power and muscular endurance of both upper and lower limbs of the three groups improved after eight weeks. However, no significantly different effects were found among different training protocols. 2.The MMG group significantly improved upper arm and thigh circumferences on the mid-test and post-test. The LHG group only significantly improved upper arm circumference on the post-test. The MMG group had higher improvement in arm circumference than the HLG group. However, there were no significantly different improvements in thigh circumference among different training protocols in both mid-test and post-test. In conclusion, strength training at different training protocols can improve circumference of the limbs' and increase muscular strength, power and endurance. However, HLG and LHG elicited no significantly different training effects in the muscular function and limb's circumferences.


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