  • 期刊


Effect of 2-month Tai Chi Chuan Training on Brachia Arterial Stiffness in Aged Adults


目的:血管硬化是當今科學界研究老化的重要生理指標之一,本研究之目的正是探討太極拳運動對於中老年人肱動脈血管彈性度的效應。方法:17位太極拳教練以及20位太極拳的初學者參與本研究,我們以心搏健公司所研發出來的DynaPulse 200M作爲測量肱動脈血管彈性度以及順應性的儀器,這是因爲過去DynaPulse在這方面已有一些實證論文穠表於國際科學文獻上,太極拳的初學者這一組總共進行爲期二個月的太極拳訓練,每星期鍛鍊七次,每次四十分鐘,本研究統一採用楊式太極拳。結果:太極拳的初學組在經過爲期二個月的訓練之後收縮壓以及脈搏壓全部下降,前者從128.9±15.3mmHg下降爲115.8±14.3mmHg,後者從58.4±10.5mmHg下降爲52.1±12.7mmHg,而且都具有統計學上意義。至於肱動脈血管擴張性以及肱動脈血管順應性,則全部上升,分別從52.8±1.69%/mmHg上升爲6.35±2.54%/mmHg,以及從0.05±0.01ml/mmHg上升爲0.06±0.02ml/mmHg,而且都具有統計學上意義。結論;這個結果顯不長期鍛鍊太極拳確實可以改善中老年人動脈硬化,值得進一步推薦給社區中老年人作爲一種健身運動。


This study evaluated the effect of two-month Tai Chi Chuan (TCC) training on the brachial artery distensibility and compliance in the elder adults. Fifteen TCC practitioners and fifteen TCC trainees were recruited in this study. The BrachD and hemodynamics were measured by pulse waveform analysis (DynaPulse 2000A, Pulse Metric, Inc.) between TCC practitioners and TCC trainees before TCC training. The changes in BrachD measures and hemodynamics after 2-month TCC training were compared. The TCC trainees participated in the training program with classical Yang's Tai Chi Chuan. We found that after two-month TCC training in the trainees group, systolic blood pressure and pulse pressure were all decreased significantly from 128.9±15.3 mmHg to 115.8±14.3 mmHg, and from 58.4±10.5 mmHg to 52.1±12.7 mmHg respectively. Brachial artery distensibility and brachial artery compliance were all increased significantly from 5.28±1.69 %/mmHg before TCC training to 6.35±2.54 %/mmHg after three-month TCC training, and from 0.05±0.01 ml/mmHg before TCC training to 0.06±0.02 ml/mmHg after three-month TCC training respectively. Besides, the brachial artery distensibility and compliance in the TCC practitioners group were all significantly higher than those of TCC trainees before TCC training. We concluded that the long-term effect of TCC as to improve arterial stiffness of the elder adults. The TCC might be a good health promotion calisthenics that can be recommended to the elder adults.


