  • 期刊


The Relationship between Chinese Medicine Diet and Breast Milk


台灣地區產後一個月母乳哺餵率從1962年至1989年由95%下降至25%,有鑑於此,行政院衛生署於2001年大力提倡嬰兒親善醫院政策,期望由醫院推選母乳哺餵衛教,進而提昇母乳哺餵率。然而研究指出在推行嬰兒親善醫院政策之過程仍面臨困難。 正常產婦產後應有豐富乳汁排出,生產後如體力許可的情況,可以立即哺乳,一般產婦每天的排乳量可達1000cc以上,排乳量之多少,與個人的體質、乳腺是否暢通及營養、睡眠、休息、情緒、哺乳能否定時有密切關係。 然而並不是每位產婦都有足夠的母乳來哺餵,醫學將「乳汁量少,甚至全無,不夠餵養嬰兒」定義爲「產後缺乳症」,此症將會導致母乳哺餵失敗,嬰兒得不到足夠的營養,而產婦也容易喪失哺餵的信心。 產婦在哺乳期內,乳汁甚少或全無,稱爲產後缺乳。“乳汁不行”,“乳汁不足”。其特點有多發於產後二、三天坐半月產產後即乳房不脹,乳汁稀少,不足哺乳,或全無乳汁。新產後哺乳正常,因突然高熱或七情所傷、乳汁劇減。


產後缺乳 辨證分型 藥膳 哺乳


In Taiwan area, the feeding rate of breast milk one month after delivery dropped from 95% in 1962 to 25% in 1989. In view of this, National Health Administration of Executive Yuan promoted a friendly policy in the hospital to feed baby with breast milk in 2001, in order to raise the feeding rate of breast milk. But there are some difficulties for the promotion of this policy in the hospital. Normal postpartum woman should have abundant breast milk to be discharged. If the physical condition is good at postpartum, she can feed baby with breast milk immediately. Generally, the amount of breast milk will be more than 1000 cc per day. The amount of breast milk has close relationship to personal physique, mammary gland, nutrition, sleeping, rest, mood and feeding time. However, not every postpartum woman has enough breast milk to feed baby. The definition of ”postpartum breast milk shortage symptom” in medical science is ”breast milk amount is quite little and even no breast milk to feed baby”. This symptom will cause the failure for the feeding of breast milk. The baby can not get enough nutrition, and the postpartum women arc apt to lose their confidence. During the breast milk feeding period, the breast milk amount is quite little and even no breast milk is called postpartum breast milk shortage or insufficient breast milk. It is often occurred two, three days to half a month after delivery. The breast is not bloated, the milk is rare, not enough to feed, or have no milk completely. The amount of breast milk is normal after delivery, but the amount of breast milk reduces sharply because of unexpected high fever or the seven human emotions are wounded.

