  • 期刊


The Relationship Between Athletic Positive States of Mind Scale (APSMS):Reliability and Validity


正面精神狀態(positive states of mind;PSOM)是過去運動傷害心理學者研究壓力反應與運動傷害關係之重要指標;它代表一個人在情境中的壓力反應狀態;可惜我國缺乏測量這項心理因素的工具,為了研究壓力反應與運動傷害之關係,本研究的目的在編製一份中文版的運動競賽正面精神狀態量表(APSMS),並檢驗其信度與效度。受試對象為參與90年度大專運動會、柔道錦標賽、跆拳道錦標賽等各大學校甲乙組選手共130名。本研究依據 Horowitz,Alder,& Kegeles(1988)的正面精神狀態(positive states of mind)構念編製9題有關運動競賽正面精神狀態的量表並將之施測於上述130名運動選手。原始資料以探索性因素分析和 Cronbach α係數法檢驗其建構效度與信度。研究結果發現,編製後之中文版共有6題代表一個人在運動競賽時的正面精神狀態,其建構效度與 Horowitz等人(1988)的構念一致;此六個正面精神狀態題目;分別為「注意力集中」、「富生產力」、「承擔責任」、「保持放鬆」、「感受快樂」、「分享」。而編製後之運動競賽正面心智狀態量表的內部一致性為.90,具有穩定的信度。本研究建議後續研究者可以應用本研究問卷進行相關研究。


Positive States of Mind (PSOM, Horowitz, Adler, & Kegeles, 1988) is regarding as the key variable, in the study of the relationship between stress response and athletes' injury in the stress-injury model (Andersen & Williams, 1998). Researchers use POMS as an indicator of stress response and examine its effect on subsequent injury. However, PSOM is developed not specifically for sport settings; therefore it is necessary to develop a sport-specific scale for the study of the sport stress-injury relationship. The purpose of this study was then to develop a sport-specific Athletic Positive State of Mind Scale (APSMS) and examine it reliability and validity. Based on Horowitz et al's (1988) concept, this study transferred original 6 items of PSOM as sport-specific questions and added 3 sport-related questions as a 9-items APSMS and administered to 130 athletes. An item analysis dropped two of added sport-related items for its no discrimination. Further, an exploratory factor analysis dropped another one item for its low factor loading, and turn into a 6-items sport-specific APSMS. All items of APSMS reflect original PSOM's concept regarding 6 major elements: focus attention, productivity, responsibility care-taking, restful repose, sensuous pleasure, and sharing as Horowitz, Alder, & Kegeles (1988) indicated. Also, Cronbach a method revealed that APSMS' internal consistency coefficient was .90. In general, the newly developed APSMS showed appropriate validity and reliability and future research may apply this measure to study the sport stress and injury relationship.


stress sport injury positive state of mind
