  • 期刊


The Effect of Group Size to Group Cohesion




The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of group size on group cohesion. The participants were 198 college students who enrolled in wood-ball PE class and did not have training or competition experience. And their average age is19.56.This study was an experimental study. First, participants were received a seven-week wood-ball training. Under their agreement, we divide them into group sand test their cohesion in the middle of the semester. We used draw lots to divide participants into three, six, and nine. After that, we tell participants that the test score is group total score dividing the group members. It is their mid-term score. And then, participants were asked to complete a questionnaire, which assess group cohesion. Trend analysis was used to analyze the data. The results indicated group size in task cohesion and social cohesion has straight line and two trend. It is concluded that the group size did effect on group cohesion.


Group Size Group Cohesion


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