  • 期刊


Prediction of Goal Involvement and Perceived Competence on Intensity and Direction of Precompetitive Anxiety





The purpose of this study was to examine the predictive power and interaction of goal involvement and perceived competence on the intensity and direction of precompetitive anxiety. One hundred and seventy-one handball players from 16 high school teams on the average aged 16 years old participated in the study. All the participants were asked to complete a series of questionnaires, which measured goal involvement, perceived competence, and intensity and direction of precompetitive anxiety. The results of these questionnaires were analyzed with a series of multiple hierarchical regression. It was found that (a) task involvement, perceived competence, and interaction between task involvement and ego involvement were effectively predictors of intensity of precompetitive self-confidence, (b) intensity of precompetitive cognitive anxiety and direction of precompetitive cognitive anxiety and somatic anxiety were predicted by perceived competence only. In conclusion, it is suggested that task involvement was not only the most influential variable of the level of precompetitive self-confidence, but it could also effectively altered influence of ego involvement on the level of precompetitive self-confidence. On the other hand, if coaches would like to guide their players positively interpret the symptom of precompetitive cognitive anxiety and somatic anxiety, reinforce the level of precompetitive self-confidence, and de-emphasize the level of precompetitive cognitive anxiety, the most effective cope strategy for these athletes was to maintain positive perception of their own handball competence.


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