  • 期刊


The Development of a Suicide Screening Instrument-The "My Life Inventory"


本研究旨在開發一套方便可行且具有多向度的評量工具—「我的人生」評量表(My Life Inventory),以協助學校全面性的篩選具有自我傷害傾向的學生。主要理論基礎是:自殺防治工作不僅要確認與自殺行為有正相關的危險因素(risk factors),而且要尋找與自殺行為有負相關的保護因素(Protective factors),當個體處於自殺意念期,保護與危險因數兩者即行成對抗張力,假若正向人生的張力大於負向人生,則個體往上拉拔,擺脫自殺意念期,如果負向人生的張力大於正向人生,則個體往下沉淪,拌入自殺企圖期,接近完成自殺期。 本量表共分成八個分量表及一個一致性分量表,涵蓋愉悅性、效率性、積極性、主控性(屬正向人生)與困擾性、慮病性、失落感、疏離感(屬負向人生)等八個向度。至於一致性分量表則可檢驗受試者的作答態度是否認真。本量表的信效度考驗結果令人滿意。在信度方面,各分量表的內部一致性(Cronbach α係數)為.45至.83,折半信度為.92,重測信度在為.47~.76,約達.01的顯著水準。就效度而言,與論建構效度(因素分析)或效標關聯同時效度考驗(以基本人格量表、自我傷害篩選量表與自殺危險程度量表為效標),均顯示良好的效度(相對應的分量表約有顯著相關)。本量表常模樣本取自北、中、南、東四個地理區之高中、高職、國中,以班級為單位(均為二年級學生),男女人數相當,共計高中組810名,高職組391名,國中組560名,總共1,761名。由於性別差異並不特別明顯,故本量表僅依據高中、高職、國中三組分別建立T分數與百分等級常模。最後研究者對量表應用與後續研究提出建言。


The purpose of the study was to develope an easily administered, school-wide, and multi dimensional screening instrument for suicide prevention. The rationale is that suicide prevention must not only take the positive correlated risk factors into account, but also the negative correlates-the protective factors. When the individual is under suicide ideation, the protective factors and the risk factors are counterbalancing. If the strength of the positive lives were more powerful than that of the negative ones, the individual would draw up and get rid of suicide ideation. On the other hand, in case the strength of the negative lives were more powerful than that of the positive ones, the individual would sink down, fall into suicide attempt, and eventually close to completed suicide. This inventory, the ”My Life Inventory (MLI)”, consisted of eight sub-scales and one consistence subscale. The eight subscales include four positive lives, Joyfulness, Efficiency, Positiveness, and Control, and four negative lives, Disturbance, Hypochondriasis, Feeling of Loss, and Alienation. The Consistence scale is to test the subject’s sincerity in answering the questions. The reliability and validity tests of MU showed satisfactory results. In terms of reliabilities, the internal reliability as indicated by Cronbach a of each sub-scale reached to .45 to .83, the split-half reliability was .92, the test-retest reliabilities were from .47 to .76. In terms of validity, the construct validity as tested by a factor analysis and the criterion-related concurrent validities, as correlated to the compatible subscales of the Basic Personality, the Self Injury Screening Scale, and the Suicidal Risk Scale, were all significant. The MLI was standarized based on a total sample of 1,761 from all four Taiwan geographical areas in junior high (n=560), senior high (n=810), and senior vocational high (n=391) levels. Three levels of norms were established accordingly. There were no separate gender norms since there were only minor differences of MLI subscales. The meaning, application, limitation, and future needed studies of the MLI were discussed at last.


