  • 期刊


Life and Death Approach Design of Life Education Curriculum in Senior High School


國內學者專家正積極發展生死取向生命教育課程,其中「生死尊嚴」是高中生死教育非常重要的單元。本研究針對現有生命教育課程中發展較完整的兩套(曉明版與得榮版)課程之「生死尊嚴」單元爲例,進行「課程設計」、「教學活動」及「時間安排」內容分析。研究結果發現現有課程中部分主題偏理論化、課程中舉例人物偏向國外人物經驗、教學方法缺乏多元化及部分主題無法因應時代需求改變等限制。 根據上述發現研究者提出「生命的彩虹」高中生死教育課程,分析課程之「課程名稱代表意義」、「課程設計核心概念」及「課程設計特色」。本課程主要設計的核心概念以生命自然的歷程-「生、老、病、死」爲四個單元之主要架構,以主題生活化、內容多樣化、人物本土化、教學活潑化的原則,採多元的方式帶領學生體驗生命、認識死亡,進而從中省思自己存在的意義與價值,並可提供教師在選擇教材、自行設計教材時之參考。




Recently, researchers has been putting efforts to develop the life education curriculum based on life and death approach, within which the concept of ”life and death dignity” stands in an important position in life and death education in senior high section. This study aims at taking ”life and death dignity” unit extracting from 2 versions of current life education curriculum, reckoned as more complete amongst all, as an example for undertaking content analysis on the aspects of ”curriculum design” ”pedagogy” and ”time arrangement”. The result suggests that some topics of the curriculum are tended to be over-theorized, exampled figures are mainly based on foreign context, teaching methods are lack of diversity, as well as the limitation that some themes fail to conform to the changes of the time. According to the findings, the curriculum ”rainbow of life” in senior high school was proposed and in which the ”meaning of the topic” ”the central concept of design” and ”the features of content” of the curriculum were analyzed in depth. The curriculum is constructed by the concept of ”the natural process of life” with the framework composed of 4 units, namely ”giving birth, aging, sickening and death”. The design of the curriculum is in accordance with principles that the topics are mainly based on real life, contents are with multiplicity, exampled figures are extracted from local context, well as the pedagogy should be interesting and stimulating, it is hoped that by doing so, pupils can be led to further realization of life and death matters, and teachers will be provided alternative thoughts for curriculum design.


