  • 期刊


The Effect on Nausea and Vomiting of Stimulation on P6 Acupuncture Point: A Limited Systematic Review


針灸及指壓穴位來減緩噁心嘔吐,常於安寧療護之臨床之治療,然而在安寧療護照護中,只有一篇研究以經皮神經電刺激器(TENS)來緩解噁心及嘔吐的症狀,其結果顯示此治療并無顯著的改善末期病人的症狀,但對病人之整體生活品質有顯著的效果。本文之木的是要探討以侵入性及非侵入性治療刺激癌末病人之內關穴(P6)對噁心嘔吐之效果。研究方法以資料庫文獻查證使用MEDLINE(1966-2000), EMBASE(1980-2000)及CINAHI(1982-1999)。有系統之文獻查閱,以癌症病人及手術後病人接受針灸治療的研究為主。文獻內容以Antithrombotic Therapy Consensus Conference作為品質分級。結果搜尋符合資格者有8篇文章,這些文章內容中以末期癌症病患、癌症病患接受化學治療引發噁心嘔吐者、及手術後之病人。結果顯示以侵入性刺激內關穴比非侵入性刺激對緩解噁心嘔吐有較大的輔助之作用,而非侵入性刺激仍需要更多文獻之研究。


針灸 內關穴 癌症 噁心 嘔吐


Acupuncture is one of the favoured treatments on nausea and vomiting by Chinese medical doctors and acupressure is manipulated by nurses or patients themselves. in palliative care setting. The patients can get benefit from acupuncture and acupressure sometimes. However, one pilot study in a palliative setting shows inefficiency on emesis by using TENS. To evaluate the effect of the stimulation of the P6 on emesis and to compare the outcome between the invasive and non-invasive intervention of P6 and its application to patients with advanced cancer. Methods: Databases were searched using MEDLINE (1966-2000), EMBASE (1980-2000), and CINAHI (1982-1999). Literature systematic review of acupuncture trials was concerned with cancer patients and post-operation. The quality of the papers were graded by the Antithrombotic Therapy Consensus Conference. Results: Eight papers were found. They were concerned with terminal cancer patients, cancer patients in chemotherapy-induced sickness, and post-operative patients. Conclusions: The results indicate that stimulation of P6 by using invasive acupuncture has an adjuvant effect on reducing nausea and vomiting. Invasive acupuncture is more beneficial than non-invasive treatment, but non-invasive acupuncture needs to be examined further.
