  • 期刊


The Academic Meeting of the Establishing Conference of Professional Rheumatology Committee


首屆世界中醫藥學會風濕病專業委員會在北京盛大舉行,中醫傷科醫學會由黃蕙棻理事長率團前往參加並發表學術論文。 會中公推本學會顧問現任中國醫藥研究發展基金會董事長張成國教授為名譽會長、本會黃蕙棻理事長為副會長、陳朝宗醫師及羅明江醫師為理事。與會學者專家並進行了一系列高水準而熱烈的學術交流活動。


The establishing conference of Professional Rheumatology Conference World Federation Chinese Medicine Societies was taken place splendly in Peiping. President of the association of Chinese Orthopedics and Traumatology Dr. Huang Hui-Fen was invited to lead our team to present special topics. Professor Chung Chung-Guo (chairmen of the board on Traditional Chinese Medicine Research and Development fund.) was recommended as the honor chairperson of Speciality Committee of Orthopedics and Traumatology of world Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies; President Hui-Fen Huang as the vicechairperson; Dr.Chao-Tsung and Dr.Ming-Jiang Lu as the director of the Committee. All the scholars and specialists had a successful and high quality academic congress in this conference.
