  • 期刊


Practice of Religious Life: The Chinese Catholic Liturgical Calendar for 1931


聖教年曆即天主教教會年曆,乃教徒信仰生活的依據及體現,其與民間社會世俗年曆的自然時節排列不同,係遵行耶穌基督(Jesus Christ)救恩歷程的時序產生,並配合各式相應之禮儀內容,每年由羅馬教廷訂定後頒布,並通行全世界各地教區;教會期望經由此年曆的禮儀規範與生活實踐,涵養及堅定教徒之天主信仰並活出基督精神。本文即是藉由一份刊行於1931年的中國聖教年曆,透過其外部觀察與內涵說明重構當時教徒日常生活情形;此年曆雖為山東兗州府天主教印書館刊印,卻普遍流通於河南南部的信陽傳教區,且屬當時在該區內進行福傳工作之美籍聖言會(Societas Verbi Divini,簡稱SVD)會士傅相讓神父(Fr. George Foffel, 1898-1992)所持有。而經由本文之剖析說明,除可自另一角度掌握當時中國天主教信眾之生活狀況,亦呈現外來宗教與中國傳統文化,以及民間社會彼此之相互交流與融合特色。


The Catholic Liturgical Calendar is the reference for and manifestation of the religious life for Catholics. The calendar is different from secular calendars, which follow the cycles of nature and seasons, and is established following the salvation history of Jesus Christ and the various rituals and ceremonies held by the Catholic Church. The calendar is updated and published annually by the Roman Curia and is adopted by all mission areas worldwide. The Catholic Church utilizes rituals, ceremonies, regulations, and other religious practices on the calendar, in order to cultivate and enhance the beliefs of the faithful and to encourage them to lead their lives on the basis of Christian spirituality. This study reconstructs the daily lives of Catholics through external observation and content exploration based on the Chinese Church Calendar for 1931. Having been printed by Yanzhoufu Catholic Press in Shandong province, this calendar was widely used in the mission areas of Sinyang in southern Henan province and also by Fr. George Foffel(1989-1992), a member of the Societas Verbi Divini(namely Society of the Divine Word) in his mission area. This study offers a different perspective in examining the lives of Chinese Catholics at that time and unveils characteristics of the interaction and integration of foreign religion and traditional Chinese culture and rural society.


(In SVD Robert M. Myers Archives, Techny, Chicago, U.S.A.)〈中華民國二十年聖教瞻禮齋期表〉。
(In SVD Robert M. Myers Archives, Techny, Chicago, U.S.A.)“Letter from Fr. George Foffel to aunt Nellie and cousin Eva,” February 7, 1930.
(In SVD Robert M. Myers Archives, Techny, Chicago, U.S.A.)“Letter from Fr. George Foffel to cousin Eva,” May 24, 1930.
(In SVD Robert M. Myers Archives, Techny, Chicago, U.S.A.)“Letter from Fr. George Foffel to aunt Nellie, cousin Eva and Carl,” November 17,1932.
(In SVD Robert M. Myers Archives, Techny, Chicago, U.S.A.)“Letter from Fr. George Foffel to all my friends, benefactors, relatives, and acquaintances,” September 7, 1937.
