  • 期刊


The Research and Analysis on Romantic Ballet "Coppélia"


浪漫芭蕾一直是筆者這些年來探討的領域,繼舞劇《仙女》、《吉賽兒》、《四人舞》、新浪漫芭蕾《仙女們》和《星空Party》的研究和分析之後,筆者再度沈浸在這齣詼諧有趣的浪漫舞劇《柯碧莉亞》的情境中。 首演於1870年的舞劇《柯碧莉亞》首創在芭蕾作品中,採用木偶為主題的一齣喜劇性芭蕾,劇中突破芭蕾講求「外開、绷直、圓弧」的形象,代之以「平行、曲翹、菱角」做為表現木偶機械性或間斷性的動作質地;而「性格舞蹈」的採用更是影響後期芭蕾的發展,這些別具心裁的創意,是值得舞蹈創作者做更深入的探討。 然而,於二十一世紀的現在,一齣既保有傳統的精隨又能符合時代欣賞觀點的芭蕾演出,是舞蹈工作者的課題也是責任。筆者將以文字陳述舞劇的內容、結構以及工作的經驗,從抽絲剝繭的剖析中,期能更深究舞劇架構與人物刻劃,進而做為舞蹈工作者在研究、創作或表演上的參考。


浪漫芭蕾 柯碧莉亞


The romantic ballet has always been the research focus to the author. After studying and analyzing ”La Sylphide”, ”Giselle”, and ”Pas de Quatre”, as well as Neo-romantic ballet, ”Les sylphides” and ”Starry Party”, the author aims to investigate the humorous romantic ballet ”Coppelia” in this paper. The debut of ”Coppélia” was in 1870. It is a comic ballet which first adopts puppet as its subject. There are many breakthroughs in this ballet. For example, the images of ”turn out, en pointe, and curve” emphasized in traditional ballet are replaced by the mechanical and interrupted movements of puppet performing, such as ”parallel and flex.”. Its adoption of ”character dance” further influences the development of ballet later on. These ingenious originalities deserve the further investigations of choreographers. However, in the 21st century, it is the task and responsibility of a choreographer to create a ballet performance which preserves the traditional essence and conforms to the modern taste and appreciation. This paper describes and analyzes the contents, structures, and works of ballet in order to probe into the framework and characterization of ballet. The results can serve as valuable references to researches, as well as creations and performances of dancers.


Romantic ballet Coppélia


A.Lopoukov,A Shirayev,A. Bouharov,Joan Lawson(trans.)(1986).Character Dance.London:Dance books Ltd..
Gail Grant(1967).Technical Manual And Dictionary of Classical Ballet.Dover Publications,Lnc..
George Balanchin and Francis Mason(1989).101 Stories of the Great Ballets.Dell publishing Group, Inc..
Koegler, Horst(1982).The Concise oxford Dictionary of Ballet Second Edition.London:Oxford University Press.
