  • 期刊


Asian Reese Multi-Pfennig this "Frog" in Play Ceremony Movement


希臘的宗教信仰和神話有很深的根源。自邁諾斯時期開始,希臘人就對大自然有著無限的崇敬,認為跟神靈和平相處,就能得到庇祐。因次發展出各種敬神的宗教儀式。閱讀亞里斯多芬尼茲(Aristophanes)的《蛙》劇,從中可以得到許多印證。我們將會發現,《蛙》劇中的儀式,和希臘的宗教、神話皆有很深的淵源。《蛙》劇中的歌隊,除了扮演分場的腳色以外,還扮演了各種不同的群眾。每一種不同的腳色都帶來不同的歌舞體動。這些歌舞體動包括了儀式性的舞蹈。本文提出《蛙》劇中酒神帶著僕人進入冥府前,所遭遇到的一場入會祭祀儀式。他們並非祭祀奧林匹亞的神,也不是在祭祀酒神,從劇本的文字敘述,以及希臘的文化宗教去考證,發現跟希臘的愛留西斯秘密儀式(Thesmophoria或Eleusinian Mysteries)有絕對相關的可能性存在。以下將說明儀式的列隊位置、表演體動的動線、舞蹈性質、詩歌內容等現象,說明載歌載舞的過程。並且將他與「愛留西斯秘儀」相互印證,最後說明「愛留西斯秘儀」和酒神信仰的關係。


亞里斯多芬 宗教 酒神 愛留西斯秘儀 動作 希臘 歌隊


Greece's religious belief and the myth have the very deep root. Starts from the Minos time, the Greek on has the infinite respect to the nature, thought lives in peace together with the God, can obtain blesses. Therefore develops the religious rite which each kind makes sacrifices to a god. Reads Asian Reese multi-Pfennig this (Aristophanes) ”Frog” the play, may obtain many verifies. We will be able to discover that, ”Frog” in the play ceremony, with Greece's religion, the myth will all have the very deep origin.”Frog” in play choir, besides acting sub-field foot color, but also has acted each kind of different populace. Each kind of different foot color all brings the different dance body to move. These dance body moved including the rituality dance.This article proposed ”Frog” in the play the Bacchus leads the servant to enter in front of Hades, encounters arrives joins a society the sacrificial offering ceremony. Their by no means sacrificial offering Olympia's god, also is not in the sacrificial offering Bacchus, from the script writing narration, as well as Greece's cultural religion textually researches, west discovered keeps the Si secret ceremony with Greece's love (Thesmophoria or Eleusinian Mysteries) has 絕 to the related possibility existence.The following showed the ceremony lines up in formation the position, performs phenomena and so on generatrix, dance nature, poetry content which the body moves, explained sings and dances process. West and with ”likes him remaining Si Miyi” to verify mutually, finally west explained ”likes keeping Si Miyi” and the Bacchus belief relations.The following showed the ceremony lines up in formation the position, performs phenomena and so on generatrix, dance nature, poetry content which the body moves, explained sings and dances process.


