  • 期刊


Discussion on the Development of Taiwan Musicals Based on the Western Musical's History and Characteristics


任何一個時代,人類的文化活動都有著雅俗之分。雅的極致形成藝術,俗的極致是民俗,其差別在於創造過程的精致化程度。當民俗的精緻化程度愈來愈高時,它便跳脫民俗的範疇走入藝術的殿堂。 「音樂劇」在經過十九世紀末和整個二十世紀一百多年的發展及錘鍊後,成為今日西方劇場中觀眾最多且最為流行的品種,同時在東方掀起狂熱。從它的通俗化、簡潔易解和高度娛樂性等特質,不難看出它是二十世紀以來最受歡迎的現代民俗,而從部分作品的創意、深刻和精緻的特質看時,它確實已跨越了民俗的門檻,進入藝術的境界。在一切講究步調快速、輕鬆吸收、商業機能至上的二十一世紀,無疑的,音樂劇的特質足以承受這個時代的要求,在簡明輕鬆的主旨下,提供現代人精緻多樣的娛樂,滿足各年齡各階層觀眾的喜好,並給予精神上的啓示。 雖然音樂劇從歐洲的輕歌劇和喜歌劇出發,但是與它成長之路。息息相關的,卻是美國紐約百老匯的眾劇院。一百多年的時問裡,這一塊幾乎等同於文化處女地帶的商業地區發展出一種新的舞台演出品種,期間投入的人力、物力、財力和創造力無可數量,留下的經典名作不計其數,在發展的歷史上亦經歷了不同的階段。撰寫本文的主要目的就是希望從西方音樂劇歷史發展的過程觀察台灣音樂劇目前所處的階段,並從它的特質理出一條可資借鏡並縮短台灣音樂劇成長時問的途徑。


音樂劇 百老匯


The cultural activities in every era always have two kinds: one, delicate and exquisite, becomes art, the other, common and customary, becomes folklore. The difference between the two is the degree in delicacy in the process of creating such activities. But when the folklore becomes more and more delicate and exquisite, it breaks away from the spectrum of folklore and becomes art. After more than 100 years' development in the 19(superscript th) and 20(superscript th) centuries, the musical becomes the most popular item in the modern western theaters, and it also has aroused popularity in the East. Popular, simple and highly amusing, musical has become the most welcome folklore in modern days. However, judging from the originality, profundity and delicacy of some works, musical has definitely become art. In the 21(superscript st) century when the fast-pace, easy-absorption and commercialization are the central cores of the modern life, there is no doubt that the musical can meet the people's need. Modern people of all ages could easily be amused and inspired by the simple and relaxing concept and delicate art performance. Musical originally came from the European operettas and comic operas, but it thrived in Broadway theaters in New York, U.S.A. During the past 100 years, Broadway has gone through many different stages. With the various efforts of countless people, a brand-new genre was born on stage. Up to now, this new genre is still going through one metamorphosis after another. The main purposes of this paper are to ascertain the current stage of the Taiwan musical based on the western musical's history and characteristics, and, hopefully, to find a way to expedite the development of the Taiwan musical.


musical Broadway


Citron, Stephen(1997).The Musical From The Inside Out.Chicago:Ivan R. Dee, Inc.
Ganzl, Kurt(2001).The Encyclopedia of The Musical Theatre.New York:Schirmer Books.
Green, Stanley(1990).Broadway Musicals.Milwaukee:Hal Leonard Publishing Corp.
Halsey, William D.(1982).Collier's Encyclopedia.17


