  • 期刊


The Comparison Study of Evaluating the Impact of Stream Repair by Incorporating the Fish Tolerant Index into IBI


國外對於溪流環境監測發展了許多的生物指標方法,其中以生物整合性指標法(Index of Biotic Integrity,IBI)來進行魚類綜合評估矩陣建構的相當完備,然而國內目前仍是起步階段。對於應用IBI模式時,矩陣項的選用與生物特徵值的建立是相當重要的,並且才能轉化成本土的適用模式。由於魚類生物對環境污染或惡化的忍耐界限,隨種類之不同而有不同,同時,當工程造成環境之改變時,魚種組成隨即改變,因此IBI模式矩陣項中「非耐污種類數」(Number of Intolerant Species),即可反應本類的變化。由於本項矩陣有可能造成指標在評估時的偏估差異,導致評估結果的正確性下降。因此,本研究應用環保署環境檢驗所「台灣河川水質魚類指標」資料,建構魚類污染耐受指標(Fish Tolerant Index, FTI),為一有效之指標。並發展比較IBI所選用二種魚類污染耐受矩陣模式,以探討矩陣選用之適宜性,冀以提供國內生態工程界於溪流整治工程時,更完整適合的評價方法。


It is still a start point in Taiwan of applying the index of biotic integrity (IBI) which is the most robust one among the different biotic indices. It is very important to select the item of matrices and construct the biological characteristics to fit for the local use of model building in the application of IBI. The estimation will be bias by selecting different fish species with different degree of tolerance in the worsened environment when applying IBI. This study aims to investigate the suitability of applying fish tolerance index (FTI) which referred from the fish list that used to rank the quality of stream water in Taiwan which announced in 2002 by the investigate institute of environmental agency for local studying. Finally, we hope to compare the two matrix of IBI models and develop a more complete and robust method for evaluating the stream repair in the field of ecological engineering.


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