  • 期刊


The Development of Urban Cultural Policy in Global Age: The Case Studies of 'Ocean City' in Kaohsiung


在全球化的影響下,文化與藝術在都市發展與更新過程中所扮演的角色與影響,普遍被關注與認知。許多歐盟國家或澳洲、美國或加拿大,以都市為基礎的文化政策,來突顯自己的都市特色;例如「歐洲文化之都」的推出,或是英格蘭、蘇格蘭與威爾斯等地連結「創意產業」(creative industries)、「創意經濟」(creative economy),甚至「創意階級」(creative class)的概念,都強調區域的文化政策與規劃是極爲重要的都市發展策略,並相信都市的文化計畫得以帶來文化、社會與經濟方面的利益。雖然文化與藝術重要性不斷地被強調,但客觀提出文化藝術在都市更新或發展當中的影響的研究卻仍缺乏;而大型文化藝術活動帶來的負面因素常常也被忽略。因此本文希望能夠以高雄市爲例,從全球化的脈絡下,立基於合灣特殊的社會結構與背景,探索高雄市都市文化政策如何形成、再現(如海洋城市論述的形成)與影響。


This paper starts from a perspective of cultural program and examines the role and impact that culture and art have on urban development under the influence of globalization. In recent decades, many urban centers in the European Union, Australia, the United States and Canada have begun to realize the importance of cultural programs. Examples include the promotion of certain cities in Europe as centers of ”European culture” and the growth of ideas of a ”creative economy” and even a ”creative class”. All emphasize the need to develop cultural programs in a particular area or region and recognize the great importance of planning in urban development work. Also, such planners believe that cultural programs will bring certain benefits to enhance cultural, social, and economic life in the area. Despite the practical progress being made by policymakers, objective academic research to date into the practical effects of efforts to revitalize and redevelop urban centers has been minimal. This lack of objective research further means that, in addition to the benefits, the negative aspects of such cultural programs are also frequently neglected. Framed in the global trend in favor of cultural programs, grounded in social conditions particular to Taiwan, and focused on data and analysis gathered in Kaohsiung, this paper hopes to explore some questions: how are urban cultural programs formed and constructed? How do cultural programs represent? And what are the different influences of cultural programs on the cultural, economic and social area?


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賴彣華(2016)。誰的「創意」,如何「文化」?-- 解構臺北市政府的都市文化治理(1999-2015)〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201601103
