  • 期刊


A Study of Poetry of Correspondence between Hsuei Tao and Su Generals


薛濤為有唐一代著名女詩人,然以官妓身份侍劍南西川節度使,交遊廣闊,名聞騷壇。薛濤才情軼蕩,而時出間婉,七絕尤長,其詩內容可分兩大類,一類為唱酬贈答之作,另一類則為抒情、詠物、寫景之作。第一類的唱酬贈答之作就有四十九首之多。故觀其詩以酬唱贈答為主體,其詩美者,乃在酬和言情之作。 本文所謂「蜀帥」乃指劍南西川節度使,中唐節度使其職權集行政、軍事、監察及司法於一身,如薛濤所處時代西川節度使即對該道之事無所不管,實際上宰制生殺大權。薛濤以宦家女而流入樂籍,其出入幕府,自韋皋至李德裕,凡歷事十一鎮,皆以詩受知。 薛濤於所事十一鎮劍南西川節度使中,惟袁滋、劉闢、李夷簡、郭釗四人,因任期短暫,或因內外動亂未靖,未有交往詩存世外,其餘如韋皋、高崇文、武元衡、王播、段文昌、杜元穎、李德裕等七鎮與之皆有深刻交往詩酬答。故本文詳加考證薛濤與蜀帥交往詩實情與詩作特色,發現薛濤與蜀帥交往詩中所流露之訊息,可略窺其交往情況、生活遭遇、感情及思想變化之梗概。其內容或求恕罪、或稱戰功、或駁偏見、或美政績、或頌菊節、或寫寸心、或書棠梨,不一而足:然皆自然挺正,頌無諛辭,有光融拓落之氣。其被罰赴邊諸詩及〈籌邊樓〉有如中唐西川邊城畫角,訴說時局之動盪與生民之艱困,殊為可貴。


Hsuei Tao, a renowned female poet in the Tang Dynasty, was socially prominent and famous as an entertainer in service to military commissioners of Jiannan-Xichuan. Outstandingly talented, she excelled in the writing of seven-character-line poems. Her poems can be classified into two categories: correspondence and those concerned with emotions, objects and scenery. A total of 49 works have been found in the category of poetry of correspondence, accounting for a majority of her poetry. Her great works deal mainly with topics of peace and emotion. The so-called Su General in this text refers to the military commissioner of Jiannan-Xichuan, operating in a capacity of administrative, military, audit and judicial authority. In the days of Hsuei Tao, the military commissioner of Jiannan-Xichuan took charge of all affairs at the Dao, or circuit, virtually holding absolute power to ”kill or spare” Hsuei Tao was from an official family, and followed a musical career to serve eleven commissioners from Wei Kao to Li Te-Yu. During her service under the command of four commissioners including Yuan Tze, Liu Pi, Li Yi-Chien and Kuo Chao, Hsuei Tao produced no poetry of correspondence as a result of the short office term of the commissioner, internal instability or external disruption. Serving during the offices of the other seven commissioners, including Wei Kao, Kao Chung Wen, Wu Yuan-Heng, Wang Bo, Duan Wen-Chang, DuYua n-Ying, Li Te-Yu, she composed poetry of correspondence for entertainment and appreciation. This study was intended to explores the poetry of correspondence between Hsuei Tao and Su Generals to understand its characteristics. The messages of the poetry make it possible to examine the correspondents' interactions, life experiences, emotions and ways of thin king. They contain a wide range of topics, such as requests for forgiveness, war victory celebration, arguments against prejudice, praise of government performance, promotion of chrysanthemum-like integrity, philosophy, and descriptions of trees and fruits. The poetry is natural, upright, free of flattery, and bright. Particularly valuable are her poems and Chou Bian Lou, composed when she was in exile, which read like a bugle at a border castle to sound off social problems and human suffering.

