  • 期刊


The Construction of Assessment Indicators for Ecolabelling of Printing


在印刷品的製造過程中,會產生能源消耗、空氣污染、廢水污染及廢棄物等許多環境問題,透過印刷企業環保標章之發展與綠色消費之意識型態,促使印刷業朝向省資源、低污染、可回收之方向發展。隨著國際環保風潮的興起,未來能夠突圍而出的印刷企業,必然是能夠滿足消費者和全球市場環境保育要求的公司,所以採取印刷環保認證措施,是提升企業品質與改善產業競爭的重要策略。目前國際上已開放「印刷業」規格標準的環保標章的地區為1.北歐環保標章(Nordic Ecolabelling);2.加拿大環保標章(Environmental Choice)二個地區,為探討印刷業環保標章在台灣建置的評估指標內涵之可行性,本研究以文件分析、專家訪談與實證研究等三種方法,擬出符合台灣地區印刷業環保標章之評估指標及其內涵,最後透過在15家印刷企業的試行,修正並確認本研究重要指標之可行方式。台灣印刷業環保標章評估指標,擬訂之內容適用於平版印刷;本研究主要參考北歐印刷業環保標章與加拿大印刷業環保標章,輔以國內外相關環保法規與污染防制標準,透過評估指標的試行與修正以符合台灣產業現況。範圍包含八項指標,分別是:1 .紙張的使用;2 .油墨的使用;3.化學品的使用;4.減廢技術的使用;5.品質管理;6.能源使用;7.污染防治;8.相關驗證與環保措施,內容再細分為13個評估項目,分別訂立應用範例與評分標準以說明之。本研究為協助行政院環保署建置台灣地區印刷業環保標章的標準規範內容,提供行政院環保署作為台灣印刷業環保標章的標準規範草案,讓台灣地區印刷環保標章走出實驗研究階段,準備正式進入市場運作的機制。印刷企業申請印刷環保標章除了可以降低成本、減少浪費外,並可有效的改善品質,傳達對環境友善的印刷經營模式。環保標章的審查過程經由環保署嚴格把關,有助於協助優良的印刷企業改善競爭環境,打破傳統印刷市場削價競爭策略,創造綠色供應鏈的印刷產業經營生態。


In the processes of manufacturing prints such as paper consumption, printing, and extra-work more or less would generate energy consumption, air pollution, wastewater, and industrial waste that certainly do damages to the environment. Only when the printing Companies focus on the development of Printing Companies Green-Mark and the construction of green-consumption ideology, which lead upstream and downstream of printing businesses to brand low pollution, resource-saving, and recycling products. Along with spring-up of ideology of environmental in the world, the company that can uniquely win among printing businesses must satisfy the requirement of consumers and environments requested from global markets. Therefore, domestically related businesses should adopt environmental certificate as an important strategy of increasing competition potential and upgrading the quality of products. Nowadays there are some areas resorting ecolabelled criteria for printing companies such as Nordic Ecolabelling for the Nordic countries and Environmental Choice in Canada. In order to explore the possibility of constructing Printing Companies Green-Mark in Taiwan, the content analysis, interview with experts, panel discussion research methods were implemented in this study which would set up the content of Taiwan Printing Companies Green-Mark and its implementation procedures. Finally the research outcome was experimented in 15 Taiwan Color Printing Corp. Ltd to modify its original design. The draft of Taiwan Printing Companies Green-Mark adopted single criterion and fit five different print formats to construct Offset, Gravure, Flexography, Screen, and digital printing (currently adopted criterion only fit to Offset printing companies). This study mainly referred to Nordic Ecolabelling and Environmental Choice in Canada accompanied with domestically environmental bill and pollution control standards to test related Green-Mark which includes eight indicators: 1. Usage of Paper 2.Usage of Ink 3.Usage of Chemical objects 4.Waste Minimization Technology 5.Quality Management 6.Usage of Energy 7. Pollution Control 8.Other Certification and Environmental Actions. And 13 scoring items with examples and scoring criteria are included. In addition, this study provided research content for Green-Mark and helped Environment and development foundation, the executing department of Green-Mark in Taiwan, to hold Green-Mark discussion council so as to pace to practical implementation stage of Green-Mark into market operating mechanism. Printing businesses apply their own Green-Mark not only cost down its expenditure but also improve their products' quality and express good will to environment. But assessment of Green-Mark should strictly controlled by Environmental Protection Administration Government to help superior companies to enhance their competition potential and break traditional cut-off running strategy and create green supply chain of printing businesses.


