  • 期刊


Visual Capacity Test of the Light-on Test Workers in TFT-LCD Industries



薄膜電晶體液晶顯示器(thin film transistor-liquid crystal display, TFT-LCD)近年來在台灣蓬勃發展,並被視爲繼半導體晶圓代工後,台灣電子業下一波主流產業。此一產業雇用了大量勞工從事整個製程之操作及品管作業,尤其爲製程後段之點燈檢測作業,爲一長時間、耗眼力之作業,且基於檢測作業的需求,作業現場採用低度照明,此一特殊作業環境是否會對人員造成視覺機能方面的損傷,值得進一步探討。本研究欲藉由現場量測以瞭解點燈作業場所之照明水準及作業人員視角、視距的變化情形,並利用問卷及眼睛理學(生理或病理)檢查的結果來評估工作因子與眼睛健康效應之相關。研究結果如下:(1)點燈作業爲一低照明水準(105.10 lx)、近距離(34.43cm)且長時間(四班二輪)的檢測作業;(2)69.3%的作業人員有眼睛不適的症狀;(3)迴歸分析的結果顯示作業年資越長者越容易有自覺眼睛不適的情形,且工作時有配戴隱形眼鏡習慣者,其發生自覺眼睛分泌物增多及淚液分泌不足之危險性爲沒有配戴隱形眼鏡者的2.47及1.73倍;(4)經過一年的工作後,淚液分泌不足的盛行率顯著上升至40.9%;(5)眼壓的變化則是呈現下降的趨勢,且與作業場所之周遭照明水準呈正相關。本研究所得成果可做爲未來改善製程的參考。由於此一產業於國內仍屬新興工業,許多與製程有關之暴露評估及相關危害資料尚未建立,冀能藉此一研究成果作爲業界改善之參考。


TFT-LCD (thin film transistor-liquid crystal display) industries have been developed rapidly and it is the following mainstream industries in Taiwan. The industry hires many employees for the quality control at light-on test workstation to control the quality of display. At the light-on test station, the operator has worked to the lower ambient illumination (<105.10 lx) for a long time (12 hours/1 working day). The aim of this study is to measure the illumination of the light-on test station and make visual capability tests for employees to evaluate whether the job of light-on test have influenced the visual capacity of operators. The study intended to measure the illumination situation of light-on test station. Physical eye checks data and questionnaire information of those workers were compared to evaluate the relationship between working surroundings and damages of eyes. The results were: 1) the total number of subjects were 319 women and prevalence in eye discomfort rate was 69.3%, 2) the light-on test was a long-term operation of lower ambient illumination (105.1 lx) and shorter visual distance (34.43cm), 3) With increasing of work duration, odds ratio in eye discomfort would increase, 4) for subjects who wore contact lenses habitually, the odds ratio of eye discharge-increasing was 2.47 and lachrymal secretion unusually was 1.73, 5) Comparisons in two physical eye checks, workers with glaucoma decreased to 5.9% and with lacrimal secretion raised up to 40.4%. The Light-on test job was a task of low ambient illumination, near visual distance and long-term work; and under this working environment, the more working duration they had, the easier visual discomfort there would be. Because the TFT-LCD industry is a new and expanding industry, there is no database of workers' exposure and risk information of health. These results could be one of guidelines for industry improvement and the best approach to save this problem is to make more studies for ergonomics approach in manufacturing processes redesigned.


TFT-LCD light-on illumination visual discomfort


