  • 期刊


Effects of Vision on Reach to Grasp Movement in Congenital Visual-impaired


伸手取物仰賴視覺、本體覺與觸覺等訊息提供以完成流暢取物動作,本研究目的了解視覺對執行伸手取物時手部運動學之影響。招募10位視力正常和10位先天性視障者。自變項為目標物形狀(圓形、圓柱體、長方體、立長方體、正方體)與五種目標物尺寸。使用超音波三度空間分析系統(Zebris CMS20S/ Zebris Medical GmbH, Germany),收集伸手取物時,手部相關運動學資料與完成時間。整體而言,目標物尺寸顯著影響最大握徑與達最大握徑時間百分比(p<0.05)。對視力正常者而言,目標物形狀影響達最大握徑時間百分比(p<0.05);而尺寸則同時影響最大握徑與達最大握徑時間百分比(p<0.05)。對先天性視障者,目標物形狀對各項運動學與績效時間均無顯著差異(p>0.05);而尺寸則影響最大握徑(p<0.05)。由研究結果得知,視覺有無對於執行伸手取物動作產生不同的影響,研究成果將可以提供未來在動作模式預測與產品設計之參考。


視覺 伸手取物 運動學 最大握徑


Reach to grasp is a sensorimotor integration movement which primary depends on visual perception to providing relevant environment information and target properties, and then to adopt a suitable strategy moving arm and hand to smoothly reach and grasp target. This study aims to investigate the how vision influences reach to grasp movement. Ten normal vision young adults and 10 congenital visual-impaired teenagers were recruited to participate in this study. All subjects claimed without musculoskeletal illness and signed an informed content. For experimental design, the dependent variables were target shape and target size. Five target shapes including round, cylinder, square, vertical rectangular and horizontal rectangular with five sizes were present randomly. An ultrasonic three-dimensional motion analysis system (Zebris CMS 20S, Zebris Medical GmbH, Germany) was used to collect relevant kinematic data, the joint range of motion of wrist and time performance were measured and calculated in this study. The results of this study showed that target size have remarkable effect on maximum aperture (p<0.05). For normal vision subjects, target shape have significant influence on the time percentage to the maximum aperture (p<0.05). Moreover, target size have remarkable effect on maximum aperture and time percentage to the maximum aperture (p<0.05). For congenital visual-impaired subjects, although vary target shape would not affect the relevant kinematic data of upper extremity and time performance during reach to grasp target, however, target size have significantly influence on maximum aperture (p<0.05). The results from the study that visual action for the implementation of reaching extracts have different effects, relevant research results will be provided in future forecasting and design of reference motion mode.


Vision Reach to grasp Kinematics Maximum aperture
