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The Statistics and Analysis of First Round Qualifying of 2016 Rio Olympic Games of Women’s Football in Asia Zone


本研究目的為2016 年里約奧林匹克運動會女子足球亞洲區資格賽第一輪 (簡稱:2016 奧林女足亞洲資格賽第一輪) 進行分析,研究方法經由中華民國足球協會現場錄影及賽後取得錄影存檔,並從錄影檔案記錄相關數據及再反覆觀看所需的研究數據記錄統一彙整資料處理,記錄進球、失球、射門、射正、傳球、攔截、越位、角球、犯規及黃牌之相關事件數據,而將所得資料以描述性統計及相關性分析。經由分析比較各場次結果顯示:一、中華隊與伊朗隊在關鍵賽役過程中,中華隊射門次數與射正次數均高於伊朗隊。二、中華隊在傳球方面均勝於伊朗及寮國兩隊,並突破以往改善傳導球及增加控球率。三、中華隊角球次數均高於伊朗及寮國兩隊,中華隊展現出優異攻擊,角球次數相對也增加。四、經由相關性分析結果顯示:在2016 奧林女足亞洲資格賽第一輪獲勝與犯規次數有高相關且達顯著,間接表示獲勝原因與球員的企圖心有相當關係。


奧林匹克 射門 射正 傳球 犯規次數


This study focuses on the first round qualifying of 2016 Rio Olympic Games of women’s football in Asia zone (Abbreviation: the first round of qualifying of 2016 Olympic women’s football in Asia zone). The method is to analysis the data from videos recorded by Chinese Taipei Football Association. To record the data of goal, lose, shot, shot on goal, pass, tackle, offside, corner, foul, yellow cards and conduct descriptive statistics and correlation analysis. The results: 1. Chinese Taipei gets more shots and shots on goals than Iran during the essential game of Chinese Taipei against Iran. 2. Chinese Taipei has better performance of passing than Iran and Laos and also makes a breakthrough in improvement of organization and possession. 3. Chinese Taipei takes more corners than Iran and Laos do because Chinese Taipei shows great ability of attack. Therefore, the corners are also increased relatively. 4. The results of correlation analysis show that the victorious and fouls are highly related and reach to significant difference in the first round of qualifying of 2016 Olympic women’s football in Asia zone. The result implies that the reason of victorious is highly related to players’ ambitions.


Olympic shot shot on goals pass foul


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