  • 期刊


On the Recently Discovered "Huang Ming Hong Men Yang Shi" Tomb in Xiyu, Penghu




澎湖 西嶼 墓地 明代墓碑 數位人文


Ming tombs are particularly rare in Penghu and Taiwan. The island of Xiyu potentially contains one such tomb belonging to a woman with the surname Hong (洪). This tomb, if reliably dated, might give ethnographers and historians a special insight into the cultural practices of Penghu, and perhaps Taiwan, in the 17^(th) century through its material, carving, orientation, stylistic choices, measurements, and architecture. Details surrounding this tomb are scarce, however, as contemporary Ming tombs have eroded or been removed, this research seeks to situate the Hong tombstone into Zheng Era through a comparison with other temporally related tombstones in Penghu and Taiwan. Measurements of the Hong tombstone have been taken from site visits including its orientation, size, shape, material, character variants and placement. In our attempts to compare these data to previous digital and non-digital tombstone studies, we become aware of the many knowledge gaps that exist within earlier studies, which force us to re-document as many of these earlier findings as possible. The regularities and systematic shifts discovered in this digital documentation lend themselves to the establishment of new methods for tombstone research while digitally preserving a piece of Taiwanese history. We conclude on the basis of our comparison that the Hong tomb is very likely to be a construction of the late Zheng Era, and its well-preserved state is due to its location, orientation, and burial within the coastal sand dunes.


Penghu Xiyu gravesites Ming tombstone digital humanities


〈貝氏定理〉,2016,《維基百科:自由的百科全書〉,http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/貝氏定理,瀏覽日期:2016.04.29。[Bayes’ Theorem. (2016). Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved April 29, 2016, from http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/貝氏定理.]
石暘睢,1953,〈台灣明墓考〉,《臺南文化》,第3 卷第1 期,頁25-27。[Shi, Yang-sui.(1953). Ming Tombs in Taiwan. Tainan Culture, 3(1), 25-27.]
石萬壽,1975,〈記新出土的明墓碑〉,《臺灣文獻》,第26 卷第1 期,頁37-47。[Shi, Wan-shou. (1975). On Recently Unearthed Ming Period Tombstones. Taiwan Wen Hsien, 26(1), 37-47.]
朱鋒,1953,〈台灣的明墓雜考〉,《臺南文化》,第3 卷第2 期,頁44-54。[Zhu, Feng. (1953). Studies on Ming Tombs in Taiwan. Tainan Culture, 3(2), 44-54.]
林衡道,1969,〈台灣現存的名墓〉,《臺灣風物》,第19 卷第3-4 期,頁54-55。[Lin, Heng-dao. (1969). Famous Tombs Preserved in Taiwan. The Taiwan Folkways, 19(3-4), 54-55.]
