  • 期刊

Du Guangting and the Hagiographies of Tang Female Daoists






This article applies a synthetic approach of philological, religious, and gender studies to investigate Du Guangting's purposes of compiling the Yongcheng jixian lu and to examine the extant eighteen hagiographical accounts of Tang female Daoists contained in this text. It demonstrates that, although the compilation of the text was initiated by political purpose and Du constructed the Queen Mother of the West as the ancestress of not only the female immortal genealogy but also the ”holy genealogy” of the Wang clan, the ruling clan of the Former Shu state, he edited or wrote the hagiographies with his own serious religious motivations. While incorporating earlier biographical and hagiographical sources of Tang female Daoists, Du applied several approaches to modify or recreate their images. Therefore, the true value of these hagiographies does not rest in providing primary sources for studying the actual life and practice of medieval female Daoists, but rather in presenting Du's reflection on their roles and places in Daoist tradition and society, and his architecture of the ideal role-model for Daoist priestesses, which synthesized Daoist self-perfection with Confucian values and Buddhist ethics, and which was actually followed by female Daoists after the Tang dynasty.
