  • 會議論文


Dietary Behavior in Early Childhood-Interpreted by Bronfenbrenner's Bioecological Theory


人們的飲食、家庭結構、生活型態、多元文化觀的變動,帶動出不同於以往的飲食觀念與型態,飲食涉及我們生活中各個層面,從大面向來看,飲食是促進關係進步的一項媒介;從個人面向看,飲食是安撫負面情緒的調劑品。人們從飲食裡的到慰藉、從飲食裡建立關係,故而在此篇文章的文件探討裡與現今一些營養學者非常強調在現今這樣忙碌與高壓力的生活空間裡,三餐裡至少晚餐要家庭成員一同參與,藉由晚餐的分享將家庭情感持續的維繫在家庭成員們的心中。以Bronfenbrenner的生態觀點來看,飲食是串起人們之間的關係,環境、幼兒、飲食之間似乎存在著關係,在此篇文章所要探討的目的:一、探討Bronfenbrenner生態系統理論。二、以Bronfenbenner理論觀點,探討現階段幼兒飲食行爲。三、以Bronfenbenner理論觀點,對幼兒飲食教育提出建議。在探討過程中採用文件分析的方式,所得到的結語以下幾點:一、孩子不再是成人的縮影,成人需考慮小孩子的生長模式供給飲食、給與飲食上的調整,爲自己與孩子建造個健康的身體 二、教師在協助孩子學習飲食的過程,彼此相互成長,師生間藉由食物學習到尊重,園所中的老師們一同成爲孩子飲食習慣過渡至社會化的重要橋梁。三、社會中的形形色色誘惑,家長、老師與孩子站在同一陣線並肩抵禦外在食品、廣告的誘惑,一同爲孩子的健康把關,給予孩子健康飲食行爲的概念。四、大環境的政府層面,在決策上能以國民健康爲起點改造健康的環境。


By Bronfenbrenner's bioecological theory of view, they might be relations among the environment、child and dietary. So there were three goals for this paper:first, Bronfenbrenner's bioecological theory would be discussed in this paper; second, to investigate how young children's dietary behaviors were established and the third, provide early childhood dietary education with four suggestions. In the process of this paper, the researcher used documentation analysis as the method. In conclusion, there were three finding in this paper: first, children were not merely the epitome of adults, for that adults must consider children's growing modle to supply them a balanced diet and shape a healthy body. Second, Via perform correct dietary habits, child learned to sharing、interaction、and respect to others, it could promote children and peers were more socialized behavior. The third adults and teachers should give children the concepts of healthy diet and get rid of some seducing of foods and commercials. Fourth, for government, the basic environment of people healthy should be construct in the government's decision-making.


