  • 會議論文


Study of Tourists' Preference of Recreation Experience in Nanjhuang, Miaoli Country


近年來大量遊客前往苗栗縣南庄,體驗自然資源之美與人文資源之雅。在老街處處可見特色老店,遊客品嚐地方小吃,體驗農業休閒活動,或參與原住民祭典活動。 本文主要研究目的為:1.瞭解遊客對南庄地區遊憩體驗活動之偏好程度。2.針對遊客對南庄地區遊憩體驗活動之偏好進行因素分析。3.分析不同基本屬性與不同遊程型態之遊客,對南庄地區遊憩體驗活動偏好程度之差異性,以作為南庄地區遊憩規劃之參考。在研究方法上採封閉結構式問卷調查,在南庄老街、向天湖及鹿場等景點,以便利抽樣法調查,回收有效問卷348份。 研究結果發現,遊客對南庄地區遊憩體驗活動喜好項目為:「觀賞風景與自然景觀」、「品嚐當地美食、小吃餐飲」與「生態旅遊與探索自然」,不喜好項目為「野外露營、烤肉活動」、「購買當地特產與手工藝品」、「遊樂園活動」。而因素分析共萃取出四個構面:「文化產業活動」、「主題休閒活動」、「景觀生態活動」、「農村體驗活動」,最後提出幾點建議:「地方觀光產業的整合、大眾(電視)傳播媒體的運用、農村童年意象塑造、加強寓教於樂之功能」,供南庄地區觀光產業發展之參考。


A large number of tourists go to the Nanjhuang, Miaoli Country in recent years, they enjoyed the beautiful natural resources and refined humane resources. You can see the characteristic old shop everywhere in the old street; tourists taste the local snack; experience the agricultural recreation activity; or participate in aboriginal's memorial ceremony. The main research purpose of this paper: First, understand that tourists experience the preference degree of the activity to the recreation activity around area of Nanjhuang. Second, carry on factor analysis to the preference of experiencing the activity of recreation around area of Nanjhuang to visitors. Third, analyses different tourists of basic attribute and different travel type, experience the difference that the activity has a preference degree for travel around area of Nanjhuang, in order to be regarded as the reference of tourism planning of the travel around area of Nanjhuang. In research method, the questionnaire was designed pre-coded questions to measure the tourists' degree of the preference, in the old street of Nanjhuang, Siangtianhu, and Luchang, etc. This paper used convenient-sampling to investigate, retrieve effective questionnaire 348. The result of study finds, tourists experience the activity and is fond of the items to the travel around area of Nanjhuang, including ”view scenery and natural landscape”, ”Taste local snack and food”, and ”Eco-tour”. Not fond of the items, including ”camping and barbecue”, ”buy local products and handicrafts”, ”amusement park”. Then the factor analysis to extract out four factors, including ”cultural industry activity”, ”theme recreation activity”, ”ecological activity”, ”countryside experience activity”. Finally, propose some suggestions for industry's development of the tourism of Nanjhuang. They including ”combine local tour industry”, ”use mass media”, ”mold countryside childhood image”, ”strengthen education function”.


