  • 期刊


Studies on Heterotic Patterns of Horneous Endosperm Corn in Taiwan


新種原雜種優勢模式群之評估試驗中,檢測的2 個品種 'GX1F' 與 'GX1M' 分別與9 個自交系檢定親雜交生產18 個測交種,其籽粒產量的表現從7,134-9,672 kg ha^(-1),其中Hi31 × GX1F、Hi31 × GX1M、888M ×GX1F、888M × GX1M 及UH13 × GX1F 5 個雜交組合為籽粒產量表現最優的雜種優勢模式組合,自交系檢定親Hi31 及888M 的一般與特定組合力優於其他自交系。試驗結果亦顯示,Hi31 與 'GX1M' 品種存在最高籽粒產量之雜種優勢群,乃培育 'GX1M' 品種的S_5 自交系,然後再使用Hi31 作為檢定親,生產25 個雜交種,並進行組合力評估及新品系比較試驗。25 個雜交種組合力的評估結果,顯示所有新雜交組合其產量的表現皆明顯高於對照種「台農1 號」,最高產的5 個新雜交組合籽粒乾重表現在7.7-9.5 kg 9.6 m^(-2) 之間,其籽粒乾重較「台農1 號」增產率介於75-115%,其開花期及吐絲期與對照種「台農1 號」相近,屬中早熟品種群,從播種至採收約125-130 d,適合於秋作雲嘉南地區輪作之耕作制度所需。同時其脫粒率、穗徑、百粒重皆比對照種「台農1 號」高。實際的田間驗證顯示,Hi31 與 'GX1M' 品種的分離自交系間存在籽粒產量之雜種優勢群。


The assessment trials of new maize germplasm heterotic groups were included 18 crosses between 9 inbred testers and the two targeting varieties, 'GX1F' and 'GX1M'. The kernel yield of these 18 testcross hybrids were from 6,760 to 9,672 kg ha^(-1), and the top 5 crosses with high kernel yield were Hi31 × GX1F, Hi31 × GX1M, 888M × GX1F, 888M × GX1M, and UH13 × GX1F. The inbred testers, Hi31 and 888M, had better common and special combining abilities. Because the cross of Hi31 and 'GX1M' showed the best kernel yield, 25 hybrids from the crosses between the Hi31 tester and the S_5 progenies of the 'GX1M' variety were developed for the combination assessment and yield trials. The combination assessment trials of 25 hybrids showed that the yields of all hybrids were significantly higher than the control variety 'TNG No. 1'. The dry kernel yield of the five highest new combinations were from 7.7 to 9.5 kg 9.6m^(-2), which were increased as 75% to 115% of the dry kernel yield of the 'TNG No. 1'. In addition, the shelling percentage, ear diameter, and 100-kernel weight of these five hybrids were also better than those of the control variety 'TNG No. 1'. The trials demonstrated that Hi31 had heterotic relationship to the inbred strains derived from the 'GX1M'.
