  • 期刊

現行甘藷蟻象 [Cylas formicarius (Fabricius)] 防治藥劑之室內藥效評估

Evaluation of Insecticides Recommended for Controlling the Adult of Sweetpotato Weevil [Cylas formicarius (Fabricius)] (Coleoptera: Brentidae) in Taiwan


本研究目的為檢測現行推薦於甘藷蟻象之5 種藥劑的防治效力,比較藥劑噴佈法、藷塊浸藥法及藷葉浸藥法處理方式下,藥劑對甘藷蟻象成蟲之致死效果及其殘效性。試驗結果顯示,25% 陶斯松 (chlorpyrifos) 可濕性粉劑、43% 佈飛松 (profenofos) 乳劑及50% 培丹 (cartap hydrochloride) 水溶性粉劑對成蟲的殺蟲效果較佳,以藷葉浸藥法處理的死亡率於第3 日可達100%。此外,除20% 亞滅培 (acetamiprid) 水溶性粉劑與20%達特南 (dinotefuran) 水溶性粒劑以外,殺蟲效果一般隨施用濃度提高而提升。藥劑殘效試驗結果顯示,25%陶斯松可濕性粉劑以葉片浸藥處理,於處理後第3 日與第7 日仍分別保有100% 與46% 的殺蟲效果,其餘藥劑於處理後第3 日的毒殺效果就顯著下降。


甘藷蟻象 殺蟲劑 防治


The present study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of five recommended insecticides for controlling the adult of sweetpotato weevil in Taiwan. Three test methods, tower spray, leaf-dipping and tuber-dipping, were adopted to examine their initial and residual effects on the tested insect in a laboratory conditions. The results revealed that chlorpyrifos (25% WP), profenofos (43% EC) and cartap hydrochloride (50% SP) showed significantly higher effects than the others in all tested methods at the time of treatments, and the mortality of the 3 insecticides was 100% by using leaf-dipping method on the 3rd day. The mortality of the insect increased with the concentration of the insecticides with except of acetamiprid (20% SP) and dinotefuran (20% SG). The residual effects of insecticides to adults showed that the mortality of most insecticidal treatments obtained about only half or less than the initial effects. However, the treatment of chlorpyrifos (25% WP) obtained 100% and 46% mortality at 3 days and 7 days after treatment, respectively.


Sweetpotato weevil Insecticide Control
