

2011 年彰化縣田中地區一處茄苳栽植田,茄苳樹木出現生長緩慢、萎縮,葉片褪色及枝條枯萎等病徵,觀察罹病樹木枝條內部組織,可見維管束組織明顯褐化。從褐化的病組織可在Triphenyl tetrazolium chloride培養基分離出中間粉紅色,周圍白色流質狀之菌落。將該菌回接至茄苳植株,造成與田間相同之莖部維管束褐化及萎凋病徵,並可回分出相同細菌,完成科霍氏法則。該菌經生理生化分析、Bioliog 鑑定系統分析、16S rDNA 序列比對、寄主範圍測試及專一性引子測定,將該菌鑑定為Ralstonia solanacearum,第1 生理小種 (Race 1) /第3 生化型 (Biovar 3) /第1 演化型 (Phylotype)。此為R. solanacearum 感染茄苳之全球首度報導。


茄苳 青枯病 青枯病菌


In 2011 some decline autumn maple trees were observed in Changhua County. The diseased trees showed leaf chlorosis, stunting, and wilt symptoms. Internally, brown discoloration of vascular tissues was observed in the infected stem. The bacteria isolated from the stem with disease symptoms formed fluidal, white colonies with pink center on triphenyl tetrazolium chloride medium. In Koch's postulates test, the inoculated autumn maple plants developed brown vascular and wilt symptoms as those observed in the field. The same bacteria were re-isolated from symptomatic plants. Based on physiological and biochemical properties, Biolog identification system, 16S rDNA sequence analysis, host range test and multiplex PCR, the causal organism was identified as Ralstonia solanacearum race1/biovar3/phylotype 1. This is the first report of bacterial wilt of autumn maple tree caused by R. solanacearum in the world.

