  • 期刊

Pseudomonas mediterranea引起之番茄髓壞疽病

Occurrence of Pith Necrosis of Tomato Caused by Pseudomonas mediterranea in Taiwan


2011年於彰化縣地區一處番茄栽植田,發現部分番茄植株出現整株褪色及衰弱現象,具此徵狀植株莖部表面出現暗褐色的長條狀病斑,切開莖部發現維管束褐化及髓部組織壞疽。從罹病莖部組織可於營養培養基分離出1種淡黃色的細菌菌落,該細菌經科霍氏法則測試,證實為一病原細菌。將該病原細菌再以Biolog系統測試、生理生化特性分析、internal transcribed spacer (ITS)序列比對、以及專一性引子對測試,鑑定為Pseudomonas mediterranea,此為P. mediterranea在台灣引起番茄髓壞疽病的首次報導。在室內經以濾紙圓盤擴散法測試市售10種藥劑在不同濃度下對該病原細菌的抑制生長效果,結果顯示以鏈黴素稀釋500×及多保鏈黴素稀釋500×對病原細菌之抑制生長效果最佳。


In 2011 some chlorosis and declined tomato plants were noticed in a field located in Changhua County. Diseased plants had longitudinal dark brown lesions on the stems. Section of the diseased stem showed vascular brown discoloration and pith necrosis symptoms. The yellowish bacteria were isolated from the necrotic stem tissues of tomato on nutrient agar. The isolated bacteria were confirmed as a disease pathogen by Koch's postulates test. The bacteria were identified as Pseudomonas mediterranea based on Biolog identification system, physiological and chemical tests, internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequence analysis, and specific primer pairs in polymerase chain reaction. This is the first report of P. medietrranea causing tomato pith necrosis disease in Taiwan. On screening 10 agrochemicals, streptomycin and thiophanate methyl + streptomycin diluted 500-fold showed the most effective inhibition on pathogen growth.
