  • 期刊


Reflection on Nurse Preceptor Training Courses: The Experiences of Nurse Preceptors and Preceptees


背 景 醫療品質策進會於2012年制訂教學醫院臨床教師培育課程之授課規範,然而鮮少研究從護理臨床教師與新進護理人員之觀點,評估護理臨床教師培育課程。目 的 本研究旨在探討護理臨床教師之教學經驗與新進護理人員之學習經驗,進而反思護理臨床教師培育課程。方 法 採質性研究設計,以北部某醫學中心15位護理臨床教師及14位新進護理人員為研究對象,分別進行5次焦點團體訪談,訪談資料以內容分析法進行分析。結 果 歸納護理臨床教師之教學經驗與新進護理人員之學習經驗分別有8個及2個主題;資料分析呈現該院臨床教師培育課程著重於提升臨床教師教學技巧及評量技巧,缺乏教學情意、輔導技巧及情緒管理的課程。結 論/實務應用 本研究結果可提供醫院規劃護理臨床教師培育課程之參考。


Background: The Taiwan Joint Commission on Hospital Accreditation established a nurse preceptor training program in 2012. However, there has been minimal assessment of the nurse preceptor training program from the respective perspectives of nurse preceptors and preceptees. Purposes: This study explores the teaching experiences of nurse preceptors and the learning experiences of new nurses, and reflects on the nurse preceptor training program. Methods: Investigators used a qualitative method to conduct 5 focus group interviews with 15 nurse preceptors and 14 new nurses in a medical center in northern Taiwan. Interview data was analyzed using content analysis. Results: Eight themes were categorized from the teaching experiences of preceptors and two themes were categorized from the learning experiences of preceptees. The analysis of the data shows that this nurse preceptor training program focused on enhancing teaching skills and assessment skills and lacked instruction in teaching affection, guidance skills, and emotion management. Conclusion/ Implications for Practice: This study may be used as a reference for developing training courses for nurse preceptors in Taiwan.


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