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Resident Medical Service of Chinese Medicine in College Can Effectively Increase the Utilization Rate of Chinese Medical Services


目的:世界衛生組織(World Health Organization, WHO)於2014年發表「傳統醫學戰略十年目標」,建議各國應依國情,將傳統醫學逐步納入健康照護體系中,顯然傳統中醫的療效明顯已成為世界主流健康醫療照護的重要部分。在台灣,有相當比例的民眾同時使用中醫及西醫醫療。根據調查,高達八成民眾滿意中醫醫療服務品質。然而,中醫門診利用率卻逐年降低。本研究希望透過問卷方式,研究中醫於大學駐診醫療服務之滿意度,是否能有效增加民眾之中醫使用率。方法:本研究以南部某大學於民國106學年度接受中醫駐診醫療服務之教職員生,進行病歷回溯性資料分析與結構性問卷調查。共發出問卷57份,回收45份,有效問卷回收率78.95%。採用Microsoft Excel 2006作為本研究之統計分析工具,資料將由敘述性統計分析方法進行分析。結果:統計分析結果,駐診服務使用者女性比例較高,整體年齡平均28.19歲,使用駐診服務次數以1次居多,大多數受測者有高滿意的中醫就診經驗。此次使用中醫駐診服務之目的以肌肉骨骼疾患、急性消化道與急性外感為主,且多數患者治療後大部分症狀皆緩解,僅有極少數患者出現不適之反應。針對此次診療服務品質之滿意度,在大部分項目中,多數受測者給予高度滿意之評價,僅極少數受測者在治療效果與醫療設備齊全度不滿意,也僅有4%受測者不願意將此次診療經驗推薦給其他親友。結論:中醫於大學駐診醫療服務獲得高接受度與高滿意度之評價,且高達九成六之受測者願意以此次高品質之診療經驗,將中醫推薦給其親友,顯示此駐診醫療服務可有效提升民眾之中醫使用率。


Background: In Taiwan, a considerable proportion of people use both Chinese medicine and Western medicine. According to the survey, up to 80% of people are satisfied with the quality of Chinese medical services. However, the utilization rate of Chinese medical services has been decreasing year by year. So this study aims to investigate whether resident medical service of Chinese medicine in college can effectively increase the utilization rate of Chinese medical services. Methods: The population of this study is based on the staff as well as students of a university in Southern Taiwan who accepted resident medical service of Chinese medicine in 2017. Questionnaires were delivered to 57 subjects, and a total of 45 valid questionnaires were collected for analysis. The effective questionnaire recovery rate is 78.95%. Results: By the analysis of the data, female patients are more than male patients and the overall average age is 28.19. And the number of times of using the service is 1 time mainly. Most of the subjects have high satisfaction with Chinese medicine experience. The most common diseases that subjects had been managed are musculoskeletal disorders, acute gastrointestinal tract disorder along with common cold. After treatment, most of the subjects are relieved substantially; furthermore, only very few appear uncomfortable symptoms. Regarding the satisfaction of the quality of this medical service, most of the subjects give high satisfaction. Merely very few subjects are not satisfied with the treatment effect and medical equipment. Finally, only 4% of the respondents are reluctant to recommend this experience of resident medical service to other relatives and friends. Conclusion: Resident medical service of Chinese medicine in college gets high acceptance and high satisfaction; moreover, up to 90% of the subjects are willing to recommend Chinese medicine to relatives and friends through this good experience. It indicates that resident medical service of Chinese medicine in college can effectively increase the utilization rate of Chinese medical services.


WHO website: https://www.who.int/
中醫優質發展計畫 (109~113 年 ),衛生福利部,2019。
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