  • 期刊


Breeding Behavior and Nestling Diet of Zoothera dauma dauma in Taiwan


稀有留鳥小虎鶇(Zoothera dauma dauma)為虎斑地鶇(Zoothera dauma)在台灣的繁殖族群,由於過往與白氏地鶇(Zoothera aurea)被認為是相同的鳥種「虎鶇」,以致小虎鶇在台灣的繁殖狀況與基礎生活史等資訊被忽略。2016年,我們於溪頭自然教育園區發現2筆小虎鶇繁殖紀錄,並針對其中一繁殖巢於育雛期架設數位攝影系統,記錄小虎鶇育雛期間的餵食頻率、餵食食物組成及繁殖行為。小虎鶇育雛期約13天, 最後2隻幼鳥離巢,整個育雛期皆有親鳥在巢孵雛,每日平均孵雛時間80.8±0.1% (n=10),育雛食物以蚯蚓為主(92.6%),每次帶回4.3±2.4隻(n=176),最多可一次帶回11隻蚯蚓,其餘零星記錄到小型脊椎動物(小型囓齒目動物、青蛙、蜥蜴)、蛞蝓、蜈蚣、蟲蛹、鱗翅目幼蟲以及昆蟲。溪頭自然教育園區內連續於2015年與2016年記錄小虎鶇的繁殖巢,顯示此區存在穩定的繁殖族群,極適合作為研究場域,逐步解開小虎鶇族群與基礎生活史等未知之謎。


In Taiwan, the rare resident population of Scaly Thrush (Zoothera dauma dauma) has been widely confused with the common wintering population of White's Thrush (Z. aurea) . Therefore, its population status and life history have been ignored for decades. In 2016, we discovered two breeding pairs of Z. d. dauma in Xitou Nature Education Area (XNEA).We set a video system to monitor feeding frequency, nestling diets and breeding behavior of a nest during nestling stage. Two juvenile offsprings fledged at the 13th day after hatching. The mean daily brooded time was 80.8±0.1% (n=10). The major nestling diets were the earthworms (92.6%). In average, the parents carried 4.3±2.4 earthworms (n=176) and up to 11 earthworms at once. The small vertebrates, including small rodents, frogs, and lizards, were seldom delivered. The slugs and arthropods, including centipedes, insect pupae, Lepidoptera larvae and beetle adults, were also recorded as the nestling diets. The continuously active nest records of Z. d. dauma in 2015 and 2016 suggest that there is a stable breeding population in XNEA, which could be a suitable study area to uncover the mystery of the population and life history of Z. d. dauma.
