  • 期刊


The Return of Longue Durée and Public History: the "Global History Fever" of Publishing Market in Taiwan




Recently, Taiwan's writing market of public history has three characteristics: Taiwan fever, Chinese imagination and global history. Among them, the works of global history reflect the research trends of contemporary history, and can also convey the world view and historical consciousness of the people. Public history function. The argument of David Armitage's the term "longue durée" seems to reveal the arrival of a new era of historiography, suggesting that big history and global history are more in line with the needs of current world citizens. As a world citizen, we must break away from the traditional national history of the nation and look at our own history in the context of world history. Although such a trend has not yet formed a wave in Taiwan's colleges, it has already seen the characteristics of this era of historical writing in the publishing market. The long-term sales of "Guns, Germs and Steel" to "Why the West Rules-For Now" and "Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind" all illustrate the close relationship between global history writing and public history.


〈2016 / 105 年 年度書目〉。國家文官學院每月一書,網址:http://www.nacs.gov.tw/05_lifelong/02_yearbook.asp?year=105&change=0。點閱日期:2017 年7 月26 日。
〈計畫簡介/院共同課程〉。國立臺灣師範大學文學院,網址:http://www.cla.ntnu.edu.tw/classic/super_pages.php?ID=classic1&Sn=4。點閱日期:2017 年7 月26 日。
〈錢乘旦談全球史寫作:有局限性 很難使用第一手資料〉。中國新聞網(2017 年5 月21 日), 網址:http://www.chinanews.com/cul/2017/05-21/8230159.shtml。點閱日期:2017 年7 月26 日。
