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Progressive time-weighted dynamic energy efficiency, energy decoupling rate, and decarbonization in Baltic Sea and EU non-Baltic Sea states



This study explores and compares the energy efficiency and decarbonization phenomenon in the Baltic Sea region and the non-Baltic Sea region with a sample of 28 European Union (EU) members. The result shows that Cyprus, Luxembourg, and Malta, as non-classical industrialized countries, exhibit a better energy efficiency and achievement ratio of energy decoupling rate, whereas the Baltic Sea region presents a quick catching up effect on energy efficiency improvement. The most important finding is that the environmental Kuznets Curve assumption does not appear to explain the decarbonization phenomenon of these two regions in the EU since the Baltic Sea region is a high-carbon economy with high real GDP, while the non-Baltic Sea region is a low-carbon economy with low real GDP. This paper also finds that these two regions do not converge to decarbonization.


這篇研究以歐盟(European Union)28個會員國為例,探討波羅的海(Baltic Sea)國家和非波羅的海國家的能源效率以及脫碳(decarbonization)現象評估。結果發現塞普勒斯(Cyprus)、盧森堡(Luxembourg)以及馬爾他(Malta)以上非工業化國家表現較佳的能源效率以及能源脫鉤達標率(achievement ratio of energy decoupling rate);波羅的海區域展現出快速的能源效率改善追趕效果(catching up effect)。此外環境顧志耐曲線(Environmental Kuznets Curve)假說,在波羅的海區域和非波羅的海區域並不成立,因為波羅的海區域呈現高碳(high-carbon)和高所得,然而非波羅的海區域呈現低碳(low-carbon)和低所得。本文也發現,兩個區域也沒有脫碳現象的收斂趨勢。


動態能源效率 脫碳 波羅的海


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