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Comparative Study of Herbicide Effect on the Spore Germination and Hyphal Growth of Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi


本文乃探討三種殺草劑(年年春、巴拉刈與龍無草)對叢枝菌根菌孢子發芽與菌絲生長之影響。年年春、巴拉刈與龍無草的用量分別為4.1,1.2與1 g/L。菌根菌孢子經消毒後,置於含有殺草劑的水瓊脂培養基中,每個培養皿(直徑9cm)放50個孢子,定期調查菌根菌孢子之發芽率與菌絲長度。試驗結果發現,Gigaspora albida,Glomus mosseae,Scutellospora fulgida與Acaulospora tuberculata四種菌根菌孢子在年年春處理平均約3週後,孢子的發芽完全受抑制。G. mosseae,S. fulgida與A. tuberculata三種菌根菌孢子在巴拉刈處理平均約3週後,孢子的發芽完全受抑制,而巴拉刈對Gi. albida 孢子發芽與菌絲生長亦有顯著之抑制作用,在巴拉刈處理18天後,發芽率為7.2%,菌絲長度為7.8 mm,而對照組發芽率為47.2%,菌絲長度為72.0 mm。Gi. albida與S. fulgida兩種菌根菌孢子在龍無草處理平均約3週後,對孢子的發芽率影響不顯著,但對菌絲生長皆有顯著之抑制;龍無草對G. mosseae與A. tuberculata兩種菌根菌之孢子發芽與菌絲生長皆有明顯之抑制作用。四種菌根菌中,Gi. albida孢子對殺草劑較有抗性。


殺草劑 叢枝菌根菌 孢子


Three different herbicides, i.e., Isopropylamine salt of N-phospho-nomethyl glycine (glyphosate), 1,1-Dimethyl-4, 4-bipyridylium dichloride (paraquat), and Bensulfuron- methyl benzoate(londax), were evaluated in vitro for their influences on the spore germination and hyphal growth of four vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, Gigaspora albida Schenck & Smith, Glomus mosseae (Nicol. & Gerd.) Gerdemann & Trappe, Scutellospora fulgida Koske &Walker , and Acaulospora tuberculata Janos & Trappe. The dosages of each herbicide used in the study were 4.1, 1.2, and 1g/L respectively. After surface sterilization, 50 spores per plate (9 cm in diameter) were pipetted on water agar amended with different concentration of herbicides. Water agar without herbicide amendment was treated as controls. The results indicated that glyphosate could completely inhibit spore germination of Gigaspora alibida, Glomus mosseae, Scutellospora fulgida, and Acaulospora tuberculata. Paraquat did show the same inhibition effect as glyphosate on those species, except Gi. albida, whose germination rate was 7.2% and mycelial growth was 7.8 mm after 18 days herbicide treatment, in contrast to the controls whose germination rate was 47.2% and hyphal length was 72 mm. Londax inhibited significantly the germination and hyphal growth of G. mosseae and A. tuberculata; however, with regard to the species of Gi.albida and S. fulgida, it showed different influence pattern. The herbicide did not reduce the germination rate significantly, but it restrained the hyphal growth notably. In general, Gi. albida showed more tolerance to the herbicides used in this study than other species.


Herbicide Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi Spore
