  • 期刊


Energy-Resourcing Technology Recovering High Calorific Value Refuse Derived Fuel (HCRDF) from Food Factory Wastes


據統計國內有機廢棄物年產生量超過160萬噸,但普遍存在再利用低、處理成本高、臭味逸散與環境污染等嚴重問題,因業者收取每噸5,000元清除處理費用後,資源化技術無法突破,無利可圖,常衍生非法事件。本團隊利用創新能資源技術平台,能一併解決台南食品廠聚落產生廢棄物處理問題,包括(1)數量龐大有機污泥具高含水率脫水不易、臭味逸散及(2)廢食用油回收再提煉與過期食品引發食安問題等,上述廢棄物僅能掩埋、焚化及堆肥醱酵等處理現況,再利用程度低,處理成本高。本技術將食品廠衍生多種廢棄物透過破碎、混拌摻配、擠出成型、脫氧改質與調理浸漬等程序,10分鐘內含水率降至8%以下,不需長時間乾燥耗能,不產生惡臭,作為高熱值生質燃料(HCRDF-5)長期保存,熱值(5,000~7,200 kcal/kg),超越一般燃料RDF-5與煤炭。


In 2016 Taiwan generated more than 1.6 million tons solid wastes. They included 790,000 tons of organic sludge, 100,000 tons of waste cooking oil, 150,000 tons of (nearing) expiration date food products, and 580,000 tons of wastes from agriculture, forestry and livestock. They had low reuse value, high treatment cost, bad odors and severe environment pollution problems. Because of limited recycling technology, there was no benefit for wastes treatment with only NTD $5,000 per ton treatment fee. Unfortunately, these waste products were often disposed illegally. This purpose of this processing platform was to provide an energy-resourcing method for treating multiple solid wastes to claim the high calorific value refuse derived fuel (HCRDF). For the high calorific value RDF system, the key technology was integrating the pretreatment, extrusion molding, fry-modified, radiation dehydration and pickling conditioning for high calorific value RDF (biofuel). The generated HCRDF-5 fuel rod was easy to handle and odor free. It had a higher calorific value (5,000~7,200 kcal/kg) than the RDF-5 (average 4,200 kcal/ kg) and could be processed into organic sludge derived fuels replacing the coal standards (6,000 kcal/kg). The processing platform upgraded the core technology and technology service of circular economy, green energy and sustainable environment.
