  • 期刊


Hydraulic Fracturing Sand Control for Concession K Production Well


台灣中油公司於南部K礦區成功探勘具經濟開採價值之油氣田,然其重要生產層為固結性不佳且細粒百分比甚高之泥質砂層,若以傳統之防砂方式如獨立篩管進行完井,無法有效防止細小顆粒進入生產管串而失去防砂效果。液裂防砂技術主要藉由一系列泵注程序,將支撐劑填塞至水力壓裂產生的裂隙,建立高滲透率且較為穩固之油氣通道,取代井孔周圍固結性不佳之原始地層。同時透過延長油氣自地層進入生產管串的路徑,降低油氣生產時地層差壓梯度,使其低於該岩體出砂臨界壓降,以達到防砂的效果。根據液裂模擬軟體進行單井生產動態模擬結果,液裂前後地層之生產壓降最大值由306 psi/m降低至260 psi/m,低於此地層岩體之預測出砂臨界壓降283.3 psi/m,可有效減少岩體崩落造成之出砂。同時單井產量由54.8MMSCM提升至107.8MMSCM,增產率達98%。顯示液裂防砂對於單井增產之效果,亦有相當高的附加效益。


CPC successfully exploited oil and gas resource in Concession K. However, its major reservoir is a poorly consolidated muddy sandstone that has high percentage of fine particles. Traditional sand control method such as standalone screen cannot effectively prevent fine sand production. The fracturing sand control technology uses a series of pumping procedures to transfer specially designed proppants to establish a high permeability and relatively stable wellbore in place of the original poorly consolidated wellbore. The new wellbore provides oil and gas flow path from the formation into the production string while preventing sand production. The formation differential pressure gradient during oil and gas production was reduced to below that critical pressure gradient required for sand production control. Results of single well hydraulic fracturing simulation showed that the maximum production pressure drop of the formation before and after fracturing was reduced from 306 psi/m to 260 psi/m which was lower than the predicted critical pressure drop 283.3 psi/m. The single well production increased from 54.8MMSCM to 107.8MMSCM.
