  • 期刊

Conceptualizing Agonistic Interaction in a Marginal Sufficient Component Cause Model: An Alternative Interpretation for Subadditive Interaction



The sufficient-component cause (SCC) framework, one of the most sophisticated techniques for the methodological development of causal inference, has the advantage of visualizing the interaction effect of synergism or antagonism. However, statistical interaction occurs even without synergism or antagonism, and vice versa. In this study, we propose a marginal SCC (mSCC) model and incorporate it into the counterfactual framework. The mSCC model can visualize agonism, which is a crucial subtype of interaction apart from synergism and antagonism. Causal pie weight (CPW) and population attributable fraction are also illustrated in the mSCC framework. A hypothetical example is used to demonstrate the use of the mSCC model to identify the agonist and connect mechanistic and causal interaction. Our method is applied to Taiwanese cohort data. We perform simulation studies to evaluate the performance of our proposed CPW estimator in separate scenarios of no synergistic interaction and no agonistic interaction. The small biases indicate that the estimated CPWs are close to the true values, and the coverage rates are approximately 0.95. Among all cases of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), independent effects due to hepatitis C virus (HCV), hepatitis B virus (HBV), and the lower bound of agonistic interaction account for 20.3%, 30.8%, and 12.6% cases of HCC, respectively. Under the assumption of no synergistic interaction, the proportion of agonistic interaction is exactly 12.6%. Our finding regarding agonism.




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