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Evaluation of the Nemacldal Effect of Non-Fumigant Nematieides in Different Soil Conditions and Their Systemic Movement in the Plant


植物的分根試驗中;芬滅松、毆殺滅、加保扶及阿巴汀處理組,其未施藥的分根根系所形成的根瘤數,以及100 g土壤中的二齡幼蟲皆遠較對照組為低。但是普伏松及滅線蟲處理組的未施藥分根根系則與對照組的數據無明顯差異。用一棵空心菜壓條五盆植株來測試殺線蟲藥劑移行距離,當藥劑施用於第1盆缽時,所有殺線蟲藥劑在盆缽1皆可降低南方根瘤線蟲(Meloidogyne incognita(Kofoid & White, 1919)Chitwood, 1949)的結瘤數及其二齡幼蟲數。其中芬滅松及阿巴汀的根瘤數及二齡幼蟲數在第五盆缽時仍然低於無施藥對照組;毆殺滅處理的殺蟲效果於盆缽3後下降極多;滅線蟲處理於盆缽2後的根瘤數與土壤中線蟲數則與對照組間並無明顯差異。以上兩試驗結果顯示芬滅松及阿巴汀可以於植物體中向上移行且移行距離較普伏松遠;滅線蟲則無系統性殺線蟲效果。調整土壤pH值但並不施用藥劑時,可看出葉芽線蟲(Aphelenchoides bessyi Christie, 1938)的生長情況在pH值8的土壤環境出現最多的線蟲數。供試十種土壤調整的七種pH值下線蟲皆可以存活,但唯有L4土壤在pH值3時,線蟲的族群數少於原本接種的數目,只有14隻。加保扶、芬滅松、滅線蟲及普伏松在pH值5至7時的殺線蟲效果皆良好,但超出此範圍則會開始因為土壤中其他因子的影響而使農藥效力下降的程度出現差別。將土壤有機質去除後,芬滅松、加保伏及普伏松的殺線蟲能力皆可提升;唯有醚類的滅線蟲殺蟲能力下降。


阿巴汀 加保扶 普伏松 滅線蟲 毆殺滅 芬滅松 系統性


In the split root experiments, the split roots with phenamiphos, oxamyl, carbofuran or abamectin treatment had fewer galls and less root-knot second stage juveniles (J2) compared to the non-nematicide check control. But the numbers of root-knot galls and J2 from the untreated split roots with carbofuran or nemamort treatment were very close to that of the check control, indicating these two nematicides could not move systemically in the plants. One water spinach plant was rooted in 5 pots to evaluate the moving direction and distance of nematicides. The results showed that phenamiphos and abamectin when applied at the first pot could still lower the galling and J2 numbers at the Pot S, which was the longest distance. In oxamyl treatment, the nematicidal effect reduced at Pot 3 and the nemamort again showed no systemic movement in the plants. Adults of Apbeleachoides besseyi were inoculated into soils with different pH values to reproduce. The results indicated that the nematodes could reach the maximum repro duction rate at pH 8, regardless the soil texture. A. besseyicould survived and reproduce in the 10 tested soils at the pH value ranging from 3 to 9. Only in the soil JA at pH 3, the nematode number was 14, which was lower than the original population. The tested 4 nematicides, carbofuran, ethoprop, oxamyl and phenamiphos, could keep their nematicidal effect at the pH range of 5-7. When the pH value was not in this range, their efficacy would be affected by other soil factors. When the organic matter was removed from the tested 10 soils, the nemacidal effect of carbofuran, ethoprop and phenamiphos increased while nemamort decreased.


abamectin carbofuran ethoprop nemamort oxamyl phenamiphos systemic
