  • 期刊


Comparisons of the FSC Principles and Criteria between the Fourth and Fifth Version for Forest Management Certification


本研究針對森林管理委員會(Forest Stewardship Council,FSC)新修訂之第五版森林管理驗證原則與準則跟現行國際上使用之第四版進行比較,並依其屬性區分成社會、經濟、環境與管理四個面向分別探討,是以了解修訂之內容,以作為日後台灣發展驗證標準的參考。結果顯示,原則層面雖維持與原先相同的10項原則,但在社會面向從原本的2項原則增加至3項,管理面向雖數量減少,但新增了原則10「經營活動的實施」,顯示出管控經營活動的重要性;準則層面則是由原先的56條增加至70條,主要的修訂仍然著重於社會與管理面向,分別增加了8條與7條新準則,經濟與環境面向則是透過舊有準則進行整合或分離,幾乎沒有增加新的規範;整體而言此次修訂相當程度強化了社會與管理面向,提升對權益關係者的重視,並強調管理經營活動的重要性,使整體考量更加的完善,也更符合FSC所預期之環境適宜、對社會有益、具經濟可行性之森林經營。


The purpose of this study was to know the revision of the FSC Principles and Criteria and serve as the reference for developing the National Standard in Taiwan. We compared the FSC Principles and Criteria version 5 with version 4, and divided them into four categories: social, economic, environmental and administrative dimensions according to their properties. The results showed that version 5 maintained ten principles as previous version. However, the number of principles in social dimension increased from 2 to 3. And a new Principle 10, Implementation of Management Activities, was added in administrative dimension, which indicates the importance of controlling management activities. On the other hand, the number of criteria increased from 56 to 70. The revision mainly focused on social and administrative dimension which added 8 and 7 new criteria separately, and only integrated or separated old criteria in economic and environmental dimension without adding new standards. In conclusion, FSC strengthened the standards in social and administrative dimension. FSC emphasized the benefits of stakeholders and the importance of controlling management activities in this revision, which made the standards more complete and met the environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable forest management FSC expected.


