  • 期刊


Opportunities and Challenges of China's Arctic Policy: A Geopolitical Perspective




Global warming has changed geopolitics of the Arctic and prompted China to participate in the Arctic affairs. The Arctic offers many opportunities for China. First, it shortens the shipping distances to European and North American ports in order to increase trade competitiveness. Second, it develops different kinds of harbor economy and improve economic structures in the northeast of China. Third, it is able to acquire rich natural resources in the Arctic. Fourth, the Arctic can ameliorate China's security problems, such as "Malacca Dilemma". However, China faces some challenges. First, the Arctic ice not only threatens shipping security but also increases shipping costs. Second, the Arctic States are suspicious of China's involvement. Third, China's existing trade pattern that is focused on Asia may limit its investment in the "Polar Silk Road". Fourth, China lacks appropriate technological and scientific skills. While facing challenges, China is still actively exploring the Arctic for its potential economic and strategic interests.


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