  • 期刊


Computer-Assisted Instruction for Medical Statistics


以英文編寫「醫學統計學」的電腦輔助教學之課程體及軟體,供大專院校與醫學、公共衛生有關科系的師生及執業醫護人士,做爲自學、參考、複習之用。 硬體設備爲16位元微電腦(IBM-PC或共相容性微電腦),具128K以上的記憶量,單色高解析度繪圖卡,軟式磁碟機。程式軟體使用Turbo Pascal 3.0及Turbo Graphix Toolbox。課程體共18章:緒言、變數、取樣、集中及分散量數、常態分布、假設檢定、t分布和檢定、二項分布和檢定、卡方分布和檢定、F分布和檢定、變方分析、廻歸、相關、無母數統計、比率和標準化比率、生命表、篩選檢定、相對及相差危險性。 以輔導法編寫課程體及軟體,其流程依序爲緒言、呈現教材、提出問題及答案、判斷答案、回饋答案或補救及結束。




This study designs the coueseware and software of Medical Statistics for students of medical college and medical doctors. According to the structure of medical statistics and principles of learning cognition, eighteen chapters are selected and arranged in order of increasing level of difficulty. The hardware is the 16-bit microcomputer (IBM-Pc or its compatible models), with disk drive, monochromatic screen, Herculus Graphic card. The software is written by PASCAL, a popular, machine-independent language, good in procedure and structure. The courseware is written in English. Tutorial is the main method in presenting information and guiding the student; simulation and instructional game will be used as well in case of need. The chapter titles are: introduction, variables, sampling, statistics of central endency and dispersion, normal distribution, hypothesis testing, t-distribution and t test, binomial distribution and test, chi-square distribution and test, F distribution and test, analysis of variance, regression, correlation, non-parametric statistics, rates and standardized rates, life table, relative and attributable risks. Each chapter includes information presentation and questions for users to do self study or after class reviewing so as to solve practical biostatistical probelms in medicine.


